Kevin Anderson, Vice President
Getting to 75% State of Composting Introduction to Missouri Organic Uses and Impact
Unsustainable numbers: 1,000,000 – the number of Missourians that didn't have enough food this year 35,000,000 – tons of food are wasted in the U.S. each year 33,950,000 – tons of food waste are buried in landfills and release methane to the environment Methane is a greenhouse gas 24 times more damaging than carbon dioxide Much of the wasted food is perfectly good and could be better used to offset hunger. Food waste that cannot be used for human consumption can be turned into animal feed, biofuel, compost, and other beneficial products
*347 Food waste composting facilities
State Of Compost in Missouri 16 composting facilities Employ over 200 employees in the state of Missouri Payroll of over $4.5 million annually Composted over 120,000,000 pounds of food waste in 2010 Collected and processed 550,000 cubic yards of yard waste in 2010 Total equipment capital expenditures is over $25 million Sell the following in finished products: Compost – over 225,000 cubic yards Mulch – over 500,000 cubic yards Soil Blends – over 145,000 cubic yards (2010 COAM Survey)
1992 Yard Waste Landfill Ban 1993 MOR Opened 3 employees First District Grant 2005 SWMD FRED Grant employees, 2 facilities, 3 satellite sites 2012 MARC SWMD Special Events 2013 EIERA Urban Lumber
The organics or composting industry mostly manages leaves, grass clippings, branches, brushy waste, and wood waste.
The addition of food waste composting diverts waste and adds value to other green wastes.
FRED Food Residual Environmental Diversion
Our Commercial Compost Collection Partners
By the Numbers In 2014 Missouri Organic diverted over 32 million pounds of food waste… That’s enough to cover 15 football fields a foot deep Since 2008 we’ve diverted over 150 million pounds covering 70 football fields a foot deep.
Collection: Up to three times per week
Compost goes through quality testing. Using the United States Composting Counsel STA program.
Benefits of Food Waste Composting Reduction maintenance & operation costs Cost avoidance from landfill tipping fees Eliminating the cost to maintain and operate food grinders, plumbing, and possible BOD loading fees
Benefits of Food Waste Composting Makes plastic food and other containers recyclable Helps manage food buying / ordering practices Reduces flies and odors
Uses & Impact
One-third of the world’s arable land has been lost to soil erosion and continues to be lost at an alarming rate (Zang and Wang, 2006) In the U.S., 99 million acres (28% of all cropland) are eroding above soil tolerance rates, meaning the long-term productivity of the soil cannot be maintained and new soil is not adequately replacing lost soil (NRCS, 2007) Erosion reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth. Amending soil with compost improves soil quality and structure, increases water retention, reduces chemical needs, and cuts nonpoint source pollution. local and state government can set specific food waste recovery goals, and they can tie their composting goals to soil health, watershed preservation, climate protection, waste reduction goals, and local economic development.
Closed Loop!
Recycle with us today! Grow with us tomorrow!
Special Events
Urban Lumber
Pathogens and Weed Seed Destruction High Temperatures (above 131°F) are important in the manufacturing process, not only for confirming biological activity but to insure pathogen destruction. The primarily purpose of high temperatures is to insure Public Health Safety through Pathogen Destruction and as an added benefit, the destruction of Weed Seeds.
Food Waste Site Specific Assessment Tour kitchen and food prep areas Look at current trends and food buying habits Look at waste bills and or tons from previous 8 to 12 months Estimate amount of food waste that could possibly be diverted to FRED Project. Lay out a plan and cost estimate for that specific site. Estimate the cost/savings to be achieved by that site.
Site Specific Education and Training A member of our team will come in and explain the plan based on the current practices of a specific location to all managers and employees. Set up bins and explain cleaning practices and liner usages. Explain the YES and NO list of what can and can’t be put into the system. Explain procedures if contamination is found.