Productive Partnerships for Existing Worker Skills Dr. Ken Warden, AVC for Workforce Development University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Mr. Bruce Sikes, Chancellor Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Mr. Gary Sams, Training and Governmental Relations Green Bay Packaging-Arkansas Kraft Division
Background and Mission ATU-Ozark Sole two-year campus of a four-year university Located in rural western Arkansas Serves 7 counties Approximately 2200 students Mission Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus, in partnership with the community, will provide a quality educational environment which will enable all students to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge necessary for them to become contributing members in the workforce and in society.
Community Partners It’s In Our Mission Green Bay Packaging Training Site: Partners university, local community, state agencies, and regional industries Provides specialized training tailored to the individual industries’ need Supports economic development for the I-40 Corridor The Ozark Campus celebrates over 400 partnerships with industries across Arkansas.
GBP-Arkansas Kraft Division Founded in 1933 – Privately owned Diversified manufacturer of paperboard packaging 30 Divisions in 15 states employing more than 3000 Owns over 200,000 acres of timberland in Arkansas
GBP-Arkansas Kraft Division Located in Morrilton, AR Pulp & Paper Mill Started up in Employees
GBP-Arkansas Kraft Division Raw Material
GBP-Arkansas Kraft Division Liner Board
GBP-Arkansas Kraft Division Finished Product
Why We Came Together Our issues and concerns Retiring workforce Loss of technical skill Lack of technical skill What had been done previously Surveyed existing 2-year college programs Tried to hire skills Looked at contracting skills
Why We Came Together Met with potential stakeholders and decided to build an industry driven technical training center. Vision Grow our own Help others in the area with the same problems
What We Had to Get Us Started Leveraged GBP capital ATU-Ozark expertise Other companies Faculty Practitioners K12-Partners State funds
What We Had to Get Us Started
What we have now
What We Have Now
Faculty Three faculty employees 98 years combined experience Practitioners Instructional expertise from ATU-Ozark
Mechanical Instruction
Electrical Instrumentation Class
Curriculum Schoolcraft/TPC instructional workbooks Customized classes to adapted to specific company applications 50% classroom time 50% lab time
Course Offerings Rigging Lubrication and Bearings Basic Electricity and Electronics Batteries and DC Electricity Transformers and AC Electricity High Voltage AC Mechanical Drives Systems Hydraulics for Industrial Applications Pumps for Industrial Applications Precision Alignment for Industrial Applications (Laser Alignment) Bearings and Lubrication Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
Training Manual
Course Schedules
Well Equipped Labs
World Class Training Facility
Well Equipped Labs
World Class Training Facility
What We Have Now
World class training facility Well equipped labs Curriculum Faculty Practitioners
Control Logix 5000 Trainers
Partnering Companies Innovation Industries Pinecrest Lumber Company Conagra Clarksville Light and Water JW Aluminum Entergy/Arkansas Nuclear One Mahle Industries Bridgestone American Tube Business Greenville Tube Westark Diversified SGL The Carbon Company Kimberly-Clark Grace Manufacturing River Valley Medical
Requirements for Replication Company buy-in and commitment Trust and established partnerships Demonstrate need from more than one company Off-Site Location
Contact Information Gary Sams Manager of Training and Govt. Relations Green Bay Packaging Inc Ken Warden, Ed.D. AVC for Workforce Development University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
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