A joint effort gundy n. 1. The two bigger claws in a CRaB. (Container Recovery and Billing) An Overview
Pre Gundy - a little history… DomRep Presentation at CSA Meeting in Trinidad SATT begins ground work JAN CSOA expresses interest when SATT approached them AUG Heads of Agreement with CSOA - OCT deadline set AUG - OCT Needs Evaluation and software survey (regional/ NA vendors) NOV Decision to go with development of needs based software developers pre-qualified and proposals evaluated DEC Total Information Systems selected & development begins MAY Gundy Implemented On going continuous development and improvement
Needs - Whose? What? PrincipalCnees Terminals CR&BCSOANVOCCsHaulersAgentShippers Conferences through efficiency managing resources & cost with quality information What do they ALL want? lower costs and how is that achieved? OK. But HOW?
Gundy Development Mission To develop a software solution that meet the need and operational objective of CR&B demurrage billing and collection with sufficient management tools for simple administration.
Gundy: the quality information tool Automates - both input and output Interfaces - EDI functionality- ships baplie, port CTMS, agency & liner IS Communicates - generates warning s & billings Integrates with traditional agent release process and existing port/cutoms processes Accessible - but secure; agent access own data only via internet or dialup Distributed - WAN nodes at terminal offices Flexible - but parameter driven; rule prioritization; contracts; deposits Adaptable - to meet evolving needs - NVOCCs; Hauliers; statistics; status reporting Contact management and risk profiling System Administration - security; anomolies; overrides Audit Trails - transations tagged with user ids Robust - low cost, available HW components; easy redundancy; multiple telcom ports COST EFFECTIVE
Managing Demurrage in T&T
Gundy User Roles
General Overview
The Container Release Verify accounts receivables Print
General Overview – the return
Setup - Port
Setup - Demurrage
Setup - Lines
Setup EDI users
Operations Agent > Port Users >Back Office
The Berth Schedule Managing the agent uploads
Accessing Gundy from the Agent Office XYZ Demurrage Collections Ltd Agent 1 Internet Agent 2
Gundy EDI The productivity enhancer Baplie Microsoft Excel
Gundy EDI – Agent upload process
Manual upload – The manifest
Closing the manifest Passing the baton from the Agent
Print Verify accounts receivables The Agent upload Driving the process forward No upload, no manifest, no release!
Port Gate Receipts
End of Day Back Office Operations
Reports the invoice
Reports the statement
Reports aging summary
Reports aging detail
Reports the receipt
Tech and Xtras
The Development Team Shipping Experts and Gundy Visionaries Ian Deosaran – Ocean Freight, Trinidad Rhett Chee Ping – Gordon Grant, Trinidad Terrence Prayag – Huggins Shipping, Trinidad Project Management Jennifer Gonzalez – Shipping Association of Trinidad & Tobago Procedures and Controls – Gundy financial audits Cindy-Lou Valentine – Container Recovery and Billing Software Development Wendell Charles – Director, Total Information Systems, Trinidad
The Development Tool Technology Independent RAD-Rapid Application Development Recipient of many international awards
Proposed Hardware and Communication Infrastructure Windows 2003 Standard with Remote Desktop Licenses HP Proliant/Dell PowerEdge or compatible class server 512 MB RAM DAT Tape Backup 160GB Hard Drive RAID CDRW/DVD DSL connection 256/128 – Fixed IP – no firewall enabled at ISP Point to Point communication for port satellite office Laser Printer per port office Narrow Carriage Dot Matrix per port office
Ready for ? Container Recovery and Billing Ltd 15 Scott Bushe Street Port of Spain, Trinidad (868) Total Information Systems Ltd 2 Ana Street Woodbrook Phone: (868) Fax: (868) Contact us for more information