Caribbean Maritime University Academic Vicerrectory The Highest Studies School of the Merchant Marine Subject: Marine Transport Master Mariners & Chief Marine Engineers Beltran Jacinto Bernal Jose Garnica Juan Hernandez Adrian Salaverria Ricardo
By: Jacinto Beltran
International Chamber of Commerce (Incoterms) Custom Agent Shipowner Charteres Maritime Operator Maritime Agencies Custom Agent Maritime Agencies International Insurance International Banks P&I Club The Factory VESSEL (SHE) By: Juan Garnica
Offshore Operations Offshore Drilling permanent platforms Spar PlatformsSubsea System Tension Leg Platforms Floating Production Systems Seastar PlatformsCompliant TowersFixed Platforms Moveable rigs DrillshipsSubmersible RigsJack-Up RigsDrilling Barges Offshore Support supply vessels (PSV) multi-purpose service vessel (MPSV) anchor handling,towing and supply vessel (AHTS) standby and rescue vessels and crew boats By: Ricardo Salaverria
Referencias: SANCHEZ FROILAN, Maria del C - Análisis de los Convenios de la Organización Marítima Internacional, 2009, publicado por la UMC IMO TONNAGE Convention 69 G.O. Ext 2980 on 6/Jul/82 COLREG G.O. Ext 2979 on 6/Jul/82 STCW 78/95 G.O. Ext 3878 on 15/Aug/86 INMARSAT 76 G.O. Ext 5754 on 03/Jan/05 SAR Convention 79 G.O. Ext 3714 on 10/Mar/86 FAL 65 G.O. Ext 5559 on 9/Nov/01 OPRC Convention 90 G.O. Ext 4802 on 2/Nov/94 LOAD LINES Convention 66 G.O on 16/Aug/98 Protocol 88 G.O. Ext 5265 on 01/Oct/98 FUND Convention 71 G.O. Ext 4340 on 28/Nov/91 Protocol 76 G.O. Ext 4340 on 28/Nov/91 Protocol 92 G.O on 20/May/ 98 MARPOL 73 / 78 ANNEX I / II G.O. Ext 3640 on 30/Sep/85 ANNEX III / IV / V G.O. Ext 4633 on 15/Sep/93 CLC Convention 69 G.O. Ext 4340 on 28/Nov/91 Protocol 76 G.O. Ext 4340 on 28/Nov/91 Protocol 92 G.O on 20/May/98 SOLAS 60 / 66 / 67 /68 / 69 / 71 /73 G.O on 8/nov/82 Conv. IMO 48 G.O. Ext 480 on 15/Feb/56 Conv. 74 G.O on 8/Nov/82 Conv. 88 G.O. Ext 5187 on 5/Dec/82 By: Jose Bernal
Professional courses & seminaries Bunkers Contracts & Law Logistics, port, terminal, &freight Maritime industry fundamentals Salvage, safety & security Offshore Ship management manning &training Shipbuilding, repair, surveying & enginneering Insurance Strategy & markets Maritime communications Ice & cold climate shipping Environment Ship finance By: Adrian Hernandez
BALANCE OF PAYMENT EXPORT. Exceed income payments. SUPERAVIT. BALANCED. payments and revenues match. IMPORT. Payments exceed. DEFITIC. By: Adrian Hernandez