What You Need to Know about the Auburn Writing Initiative 2012 Office of University Writing Dr. Margaret J. Marshall, Director
OVERVIEW A Bit of History Curriculum Mandate Office of University Writing: Our Mission
Why Writing? Alumni say good writing most important for success Auburn students report they write much less than peers
Why Writing?
Writing Initiative Task Force Faculty Committee 2 years Final recommendations: Hire Director to lead initiative Embed writing in every major Expand Writing Center
Decision: Office of University Writing
How is Auburn’s writing initiative different? Embedded not added on Writing, broadly defined Determined by department Continuous improvementComprehensive and multi-dimensional effort
Approved Senate Resolution Significant writing instruction in every majorDesigned to meet the needs of the disciplineFollow principles of writing in the majorPeriodic review and continued improvement
5 Principles for Writing in Majors Assessment of the plan Feedback and opportunities to revise More than one audience/purpose More than one opportunity to practice More than one kind of writing
Writing Plans
What Kind of Writing? Academic Arguments Lab Reports Business Memos Letters and s to clients Explanations to patients Summaries of reading Writing for the public Liner notes
What Kind of Writing? Study Abroad Internships Out of class Research Projects Letters and Applications Illustrated Writing Field Work Organizations Blogs
Support for Faculty
Support to Students
Celebrate and Promote Writing ProfilesWriting Contests AUJUS
COMING NEXT QEP: Professional ePortfolios Websites created by individuals to: Synthesize learning experiences Showcase skills and abilities
OUW Enhance the Culture of Writing Support to Students Support to Faculty Celebrate and Promote Writing Research and Assessment Outreach