Road Accidents & Agricultural Vehicles Richard Gard Associates Ltd Photo Yorkshire Air Ambulance
Casualty Road Accidents ( S19) Agricultural Vehicles inc Accidents4840 All vehicles10542 Agricultural vehicles4878 Casualties6766
Accidents each month (S19)
Road Accident Manoeuvres (S19) Key: 2-parked 9-turning right 16-going ahead left hand bend 17-going ahead right hand bend 18-going ahead other
Casualty Road Accidents (S19) Agricultural Vehicles inc All VehiclesAgri Vehicles Fatal injury20038 Serious Slight Total
Fatalities (newscuttings database) Accidents (278)Fatalities (293) –58Ag veh59 –90Car98 –96M/c100 –17Ped18 –7Van8 –6Cyclist6 –1HGV1 –1Pick up1 –1Go kart1 –1Lorry1
59 Agri Veh Fatalities N ewscuttings database 17 Specials (eg passenger/fell out/driver not in cab) 21Single vehicle15 overturned 10Dual Carriageway2 overturned 2Trains2 overturned 1Turning right1 overturned 8 Other Impactno overturn
Trailer Disconnection newscuttings database AccidentsSingle vehicle2 or +vehicles (9 fatal) 3 6 Cause Result
Trailer Disconnection newscuttings database Trailer Balanced Unbalanced nk Accidents Cause Result
Towing & Overturns Casualty S19 database
Observations from the Agricultural Vehicle Road Accident Data Identified areas of higher casualty risk: –Other road users Right hand turns by agricultural vehicles, particularly for motorcyclists Cars colliding with the rear of agricultural vehicles (high differential speed) Disconnection of tractor and trailer –Agricultural vehicle occupants Agricultural vehicle rollover Collisions from behind on dual carriageways (HGVs at high differential speed). Ejection and contact injuries within the cab (Low level of belt use an important factor).
Agricultural Vehicle Road Accidents Countermeasures for Industry consideration –Right turns Journey planning to avoid right turns. Improved direction indicators. Improved junction layouts. Better signing. –High differential speed Improved conspicuity/warning. Use of three-point seat belt. Collision warning/mitigation systems for other vehicles. Reduced agricultural vehicle use on dual carriageways. –Rollover Further investigation of causes. Use of seat belt. Occupant friendly interior cab design. –Trailer disconnection Better maintenance/enforcement. Improved/standardised hitch design.