The Road to College Randolph School April 29, 2009
What we will cover today Randolph program and expectations What college and universities expect from their applicants National trends Admissions Finances and Financial Aid Impact on Randolph students and families
The Randolph Experience 9 th and 10 th Grade: Meet with Academic Advisors to plan US curriculum Take PLAN (9 th ) and PSAT (10 th ) Receive feedback regarding results Introduction to College Board Quick Start Attend evening college presentation in late winter
11 th Grade PSAT/NMSQT testing in October use of College Board Quick Start Recommended test dates winter and spring junior year for SAT and ACT The Search Process begins Junior/Parent meeting Junior Seminars Student and parent conferences Family Connection Searching for the ‘Best Fit’
12 th Grade The Application Process Senior/Parent supper and meeting Continue standardized testing Application workshops Meet the deadlines Rolling Decision Early Decision/Action Regular Decision College Reply Date Enrollment Date
How do college and universities make admission decisions? Curriculum: What a student takes relative to what is available. GPA: Academic performance is the most important criteria. A student’s work must reflect genuine effort, intellectual ability, and a demonstrated interest in learning Test Scores: Test scores are a factor at most selective colleges. BUT, they are increasingly being called into question and many colleges are test OPTIONAL.
Subjective Criteria used in the decision process. Personal essays and writing samples. The ability to write – to tell a personal story – to capture the applicants personality. Extracurricular Activities. What a student does after school is very important. Demonstrating persistence and passion in school and community activities. Recommendations from the school, teachers, and peers. The whole picture must ‘fit’ together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Importance of Extracurricular Activities and the time to be successful. Selective colleges expect to see meaningful activities on an applicant’s resume. Students engaged in extracurricular activities have a stronger social self- concept and increased cultural sensitivity. Demonstrated commitment to a group and group goals Demonstrated leadership skills Staying power – commitment and persistence for four years or more.
Character qualities and skills demonstrated by commitment to extracurricular activities Substance rather than titles High-energy level Zest for learning Devotion to community Passion Collaboration with group Listening to others Juggling multiple duties
Financial Aid: Paying for college in a tight economy Need-based Aid: uses federal methodology (FAFSA) and College Board Profile to predict Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Merit-based Aid: Colleges use merit aid to recruit top students. Schools recruit the top 25% not the middle 50% The “Wal-Mart” discount.
What is happening today? This high school Class of 2009 represents the largest graduating group – more than 16m nationwide In the short term – HS graduates will decline nationally but will be stable or increase in the southeast The numbers of applications will continue to rise at the most selective colleges – or, remain at their present high levels Colleges will increasingly use non-academic criteria to select 1 st year class
What generates a large applicant pool? Colleges, fearful of declining numbers, market more aggressively Use of Common Application makes it easier for students to apply to multiple colleges Colleges receive more applications Admission rates go down – colleges are not getting larger Students get scared and nervous they will not get admitted So, they apply to more schools!
Randolph Application Data Class ofNumberApplicationsDifferent colleges Apps/student
Anecdotal Evidence Students are applying to more schools in search of money and ‘fit’ Colleges and universities do not know what to do with application numbers and yield. Applications -> accept -> matriculate? Public universities will fill up Private colleges and universities will accept a few % points more, put more on the Wait List – and HOPE Students and families will be better ‘bargain’ hunters. It’s the ecomony!