Autism Spectrum Disorders Brenda Smith Myles
Prevalence of Individuals with ASD 1 in 91 (US) –1 in 58 boys 1 in 64 (UK)
Diversity of Individuals with ASD
This Is Autism …
… And This Is Autism
Parents of Children with ASD… Are well informed Self-determined Represent 11-12% of due process cases
What We Know About Adults with ASD Prevalence of ASD among adults: –1 in 100 Rate of full-time employment –6 in 100 for those with classic ASD –12 in 100 for those with HFA or AS Rate of independent living –12 to 20 in 100 Cost to society –3.2 million (Ganz, 2007)
“If my child graduates from high school and he cannot read, it would be against the law to discriminate against him. However, if he graduates and is not able to live or work next to other people without hurting or scaring them, society will not tolerate him. As a result, he will most likely lose his freedom to move about his community independently, impacting his long-term quality of life.” - Quote from “a very wise parent” in Using the 5-Point Scale and Anxiety Curve Poster by K. Dunn Buron and M. Curtis (2008) AAPC
And you are charged with ensuring that ….
The Purpose of Special Education (IDEA) … all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique need and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. §300.1 (emphasis added)
Summary of SPP Indicators from Parts B and C Graduation Dropout rate Statewide assessment Suspension/expulsion LRE placement Preschool skills –Social emotional, appropriate behavior Parent involvement Disproportionate representation Child find Part C to B transition Secondary transition with IEP goals Post school outcomes –Competitive employment, school Monitoring, complaints, hearings Written complaints Due process, hearings, mediations
Do the SPP Indicators meet the needs of students with ASD?
Core Needs of Students with ASD Early identification Accurate assessment Social competence Regulation –Emotions, behavior, sensory Communication supports Structure/modifications Adaptive behavior skills Reinforcement Direct and intensive instruction Protection from bullies Executive function
The Secret of School Success “… one of several findings in the growing body of research on “self-regulation” -- people’s ability to stop, think, make a plan and control their impulses. … it turns out that these are really the same skills you need to do well in school” and potentially in life.” Professor Megan McClelland Oregon State University USA Today, Sept 2, success.html
Research Shows That … “Individuals with soft skills, including good social skills, sociability, good work habits, punctuality, conscientiousness and those who participated in extra curricular activities are more likely to make more money, be employed, and attain high levels of education than those with good grades and high standardized test scores.” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009, March 26). Social Skills, Extracurricular Activities In High School Pay Off Later In Life.
Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) What are EBP? What criteria are used to define them? –How were these criteria identified? –Have they stood the tests of time? Given the diversity of students with ASD, EBP may be those who are effective for a particular child
Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training ComponentsTraining Outcomes Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 30% 20% 60% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002
Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training ComponentsTraining Outcomes Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 30% 20% 60% 95% Joyce & Showers, % 5% 95%
Critical to ASD -- Beneficial to All Individuals with ASD are each unique and have myriad challenges –Research has shown that what is critical for children with ASD benefits all children: Interventions/strategies Collaboration Teaming/Co-planning
Your commitment to ASD is why we are here Thank you! Kathy Gould, Lee Grossman, Shawn Henry, Sherry Moyer, Brenda Myles, Sam Odom, Lee Stickle
Question 1 What are the biggest successes in ASD that each of your organizations has to build on?
Question 2 What are the biggest challenges in ASD that each of your organizations has to meet?
Question 3 ASD requires a vision of leadership that crosses agencies and spans years from infancy to adulthood. What role can state leaders play in making these connections more likely?