What’s in it for me? Take 5 minutes in your group to brainstorm ways that participating in your IEP is beneficial
What are 3 Guarantees of IDEA? Free Appropriate Public Education FAPE is an acronym for free, appropriate, public education
Sections of a Transition IEP Future Planning Special Instructional Factors Personal Profile Postsecondary Transition Postsecondary Transition Services Measurable Annual Goals Description of Specially Designed Services Transportation Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities
Future Planning A summary of your skills and interests Emphasis on postsecondary educational goals and outcomes Should include coursework, employment, and career programs
Special Instructional Factors Communication access needs and accommodations Assistive technology needs Self-advocacy and personal responsibility skills
Personal Profile Anything the education team needs to know to provide communication access and adequate services Resource: MyGAP Personal Profile and Accommodations Letter
Postsecondary Transition A statement of transition service needs that focus on your course of study Resource: MyGAP Transition Checklist and MyGAP Transition Planner to help identify skills that still need to be learned and services to address learning them
Postsecondary Transition Services Includes: Measurable Postsecondary Goals Courses of Study Number of Annual Goals Services and Activities necessary to support goals Duration Agencies Resource: Use a combination of the MyGAP Transition Checklist, MyGAP Transition Planner, MyGAP Self Assessment, and MyGAP Personal Learning Planner to complete goals
Measurable Annual Goals Will vary depending on each student’s goals Resource: Use the MyGap Self-Advocacy Competency Checklist to create annual goals depending on area of need
Specially Designed Services Resource: Refer to MyGAP documents Transition Planner Personal Learning Planner Self-Advocacy Competency Checklist Personal Profile and Accommodations Letter
Transportation Resource: Use the MyGap Personal Profile and Accommodations Letter to notify the bus driver or other transportation services of your hearing loss
Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities What accommodations listed in your IEP are needed to afford an equal opportunity to participate in school sponsored extracurricular services and activities? Resource: MyGAP Personal Profile and Accommodations Letter
Your IEP is a Contract A written legal document between all team members YOU are a key member of the team and You need to help with developing the IEP