South Carolina State University Counseling & Self Development Center Dr. Cherilyn T. Minniefield, Director Mission Statement W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentoring and Rites of Passage Program Internship/Practicum and Work Study Program Campus Outreach Community Partnerships Resources Funding Opportunities Conclusion Q & A
Mission Statement The Mission of the Counseling & Self-Development Center at South Carolina State University is to provide quality mental healthcare to students throughout their matriculation through psycho- educational training, crisis intervention, and counseling support to facilitate student development. The Mission of the Counseling & Self-Development Center at South Carolina State University is to provide quality mental healthcare to students throughout their matriculation through psycho- educational training, crisis intervention, and counseling support to facilitate student development.
W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentoring Group For Upperclassmen at SCSU
W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentoring Program The W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentoring Program, sponsored by the Counseling & Self-Development Center, was designed to provide interested SCSU students with a paraprofessional training opportunity to assist their peers. To qualify to be a W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. mentor, the student must be a sophomore, junior or senior, maintain minimum academic requirements in their designated area of study, and regularly practice appropriate behavioral conduct. Participants will engage in paraprofessional development training in preparation to become peer mentors to first year students, perform campus- and community-related service projects, and much, much more. Interested parties may contact the program coordinator, Dr. Cherilyn T. Minniefield at the Counseling & Self-Development Center at to inquire about joining.
INITIAL SCREENING PROCESS G.P.A. Extracurricular Involvements Interest In Program PunctualityGroomingDiction Time constraints Level of Commitment FitConcernsQuestions
Student Responsibilities Recruitment of W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentoring and Rites of Passage Program Participants Campus Outreach Participation and Display Booth Representation End-of-Experience PowerPoint Case Study Presentation of Training Experience to Counseling & Self-Development Center Staff, Intern/Practicum Students and Peer Mentors
Student Involvement Assistance with the planning and organization of programs Registering students for events Distribution of outreach materials (e.g., free t-shirts, psycho-educational information, and resources) Oversight door prize raffle Participation in campus-wide events associated with planned programs (e.g., candlelight vigil in honor and remembrance of victims of domestic violence)
W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentors This certificate of achievement is awarded to _________________________________ this ___ day of _________, 201__ in recognition of her participation and contributions to The Fall/Spring 201_ W.A.T.C.H.D.O.G. Peer Mentor/Rites of Passage Group Counseling & Self-Development Center South Carolina State University _________________________ _________________________ Cherilyn T. Minniefield, Ph.D. Cherilyn T. Minniefield, Ph.D. Group Leader Group Leader
Undergraduate Work Study Internship Program This certificate of achievement is awarded to ____________________________ this 4 th day of July, 2011 in recognition of her participation and contributions to Summer 2008 Undergraduate Work Study Program Counseling & Self-Development Center South Carolina State University ________________________________ Cherilyn T. Minniefield, Ph.D. Work Study Supervisor
Undergraduate Work Study Completion
Graduate Practicum and Internship Training Program
Graduate Practicum/Internship Program Counselor Education Department Counselor Education Department Rehabilitation Counseling Department Rehabilitation Counseling Department
Campus Outreach Domestic Violence Awareness Outreach Events –Information Session –“Tell Their Stories” Open Mic Event –Student Video Production Movie Presentation –Self Defense Class –Fireside Chat with a Local CASA Representative –Campus Awareness Walk –Presentation by Orangeburg Sheriff’s Department Victims Rights Advocate –Presentation by Nationally Acclaimed, Kemba Smith
Forming Relationships with Community Partners
Community Outreach Annual Women at Heart Conference National Depression Screening Day at the Orangeburg Area Mental Health Center Homeless Awareness Sleepout Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen Adopt-A-Child Program Nursing Home Visitation
HBCU Funding Opportunities Behavioral Health Capacity Expansion Mini-Grant Program Capacity-building projects to assist minority women and girls Capacity-building projects to assist minority women and girls
Striking a Balance Using available resources Creating opportunities for student support within campus community Facilitating student leadership training Identifying faculty and staff collaborators Networking with other campus professionals Forming community partnerships Identifying student needs Applying for funding to assist HBCU students Building sustainable campus programs
Question and Answer Period Thank you for your attendance and participation! Questions