Paul M. Dorman High School Rockledge High School Francis Lewis High School Roswell High School Southeast High School
Leadership- The ability to influence one’s peers or subordinates to accomplish a mission In order to lead, one must be chosen to fill that role based upon their abilities
What is Leadership Board? Where cadet’s military and leadership knowledge is tested by senior cadets and the Army instructors in order to choose the next cadet leaders for the program Why is it used? It’s an effective way to see if the cadets are ready to take charge as the next leaders of the program. It also prepares cadets for the real world
(Run-through of the interview from start to finish) Entrance Board Process Dismissal
“The Cavalier Battalion”
Any rising Junior or Senior cadet can apply Every cadet submits a resume JROTC performance Academics Extracurricular activities Cadets are given a study guide and situational leadership questions that they have to answer during the board
Board consists of the BN CDR, BN XO, CSM and all the Company Commanders and at least one AI or the SAI Only seniors can be chosen for Top 3, Company Commanders, and Staff Officers SAI and AIs compile all the results from the interview, using this information and the cadet’s progress over the year in order to determine their position for the next year Run by cadets, but facilitated and approved by SAI
Drill First Aid Land Navigation Situational Leadership Leadership Principles JROTC and United States Army Chain of Command
“The Patriot Battalion”
Is run by the SAI and AIs, not the cadets 3 levels of interviews based on cadet knowledge and determination First round ▪ First stage of interviews, used in order to cut lower performing cadets from the more advanced ones Second Round ▪ Harder ▪ Longer interview, ▪ Less cadets make this cut ▪ Asks about cadet’s future, plans to do something for the community, aspirations, etc.
Third round Hardest Usually set for the upper leadership for next year Up to 30 min per interviews
3 different leadership boards Battalion Commander (Late April) ▪ Anyone can apply Executive Officer & CSM (After the new BC is chosen) ▪ Chosen by the new BC with influence from SAI & AIs ▪ Anyone can apply Company First Sergeants and Company Commanders (Beginning of the next school year) ▪ Chosen by the new top 3 with influence from SAIs and AIs ▪ Anyone can apply
In order to apply… Write an essay based on ▪ Why do you want (Position Name)? ▪ What will you do as (Position Name)? ▪ What impact will you make as (Position Name)? Resume Cadet Record
The Board will consist of the following people The outgoing Battalion Commander Senior Army Instructor Army Instructor District Army Instructor The Principal or the head of the Career Tech Department
“The Seminole Battalion”
JROTC knowledge (look at Dorman High Curriculum knowledge) Given at a predetermined time and evaluated by cadre Must score at least a 70% to qualify for the interview portion
Interview is conducted at a scheduled date and time Personality questions Questions based on JROTC knowledge Leadership Scenarios Ask why the cadet thinks they are good for the job Interviewers will assess the following items throughout the interview Candidate posture Clearness of voice Believability of responses Confidence in responses Intelligence of responses
The Leadership Board is a way of selecting cadets that are capable of serving in high positions in the JROTC program. Cadets must demonstrate high capabilities of leadership and knowledge of the JROTC curriculum. They must also be highly involved in the improvement of the program and the cadets that take part in it. The merit of a cadet shows the board how much he/she has done to be part of something bigger than themselves.
The board is composed of The Battalion Commander, CSM, XO, and a requested staff officer Cadets complete an information sheet about themselves before the interview SAIs and AIs review information gathered by interviewers and determine recognitions from there
Resumes Study Guides JROTC Curriculum knowledge, leadership situations, drill, etc. SAI and AIs control most of the selection process Multiple boards for each school Senior cadets, Instructors, and School Officials may be present at the interview