1 Senior Resumes
2 Agenda Purpose Learn basic format of a resume Review content of resume Complete resume worksheet Q&A If time, work in groups to critique content
3 When would you use a resume? Job Applications College Applications Scholarships Recommendations
4 Why do you need a resume? Highlight information that does not fit on the application form Give the reader a chance to “know” you Required by some applications Create a good first impression
5 Types of Resumes Functional Resume Chronological Resume Hybrid Resume
6 What do you think of this student based on her resume? Is your overall impression favorable? Is she organized? Is she a strong academic student? Is she active in her community? Is she active in extracurricular activities? Is she a leader?
7 Basic Format of a Resume 1 page document Legible Good quality paper No typographic errors
8 Resume Format, cont. 1 inch margins Font type-Times, Bookman, Century Font size point Be consistent with headings
9 Parts of a Resume Heading Objective Academics Extracurricular Activities/Athletics Highlight achievements Community Service Work Experience
10 Heading Full Legal Name Centered and in bold In largest size font of entire document Address Phone number address Social Security number (optional)
11 Objective To pursue… To continue… To seek…
12 Academic Achievements School name and address GPA (optional) Honor Societies Curriculum Honors or Advanced Placement Coursework
13 Community Service Look at options for listing projects. Use short, action-oriented sentences. Be clear and concise. How did you contribute? BRAG!
14 Action Verbs Managed, directed, supervised Organized, designed, coordinated Distributed, collected, assembled Trained, tutored, instructed Facilitated, conducted, planned Served
15 Extracurricular Achievements Leadership Use accomplishments when possible “Laundry List” of titles is not attractive Athletics Summer Experiences Highlight “inspirational” moments if applicable Skills Don’t forget special computer or language skills
16 YOUR resume should highlight YOUR strengths!
17 Work Experience Specific job title Name of employer Dates of employment 2-3 short bullets describing duties What skills did you use? How did you contribute?
18 Proofreading is essential! Proof Have a classmate proof Have your parent proof Have your teacher proof Proof again
19 You are being judged by how you look on paper! Make the very best impression that you can!