V. S. Sobkin Social Differentiation and Access to Quality Education
Subject Av. Points, girlsAv. Points, boys Russian language59,354,5 Maths44,443,7 English60,457,1 Informational technologies57,755,6 Social Sciences57,655,0 Chemistry55,052,8 Literature53,845,2 Biology52,751,4 Physics49,748,6 Geography49,549,8 History48,347,5 German44,643,0 Exam points on different subject in boys and girls
Unified State Exam points on Math and Russian in different types of schools Maths Russian Evening schools Secondary schools Specialized schools Gymnasium & Lyceum
Unified State Exam points on different subjects in different types of school Evening schools Secondary Schools Spec Schools Gymnasium&Lyceum EnglishPhysicsHistory Social Science Informational technologies
Number of exams taken by choice per pupil in different types of schools Evening schools Secondary Schools Spec.Schools Gymnasium&Lyceum
Unified State Exam points on Math and Russian in different types of locations Maths Russian Country schools Towns (up to 50ths people) Cities (50-450ths people) Cities (450ths people)
Average Unified State Exam points on Informational technologies and English in different types of locations Country schools Towns (up to 50ths people) Cities (50-450ths people) Cities (450ths people) English Informational technologies
Number of exams taken by choice per pupil in different types of locations Country schools Towns (up to 50ths) Cities (50-450ths) Cities (450ths people)
Unified State Exam points in gymnasiums and lyceums and secondary schools in different types of locations
Parents’ attitudes towards the preschool education system
Assessment of quality of preschool education (in points) Parents’ attitudes towards the preschool education system
Attending centers for extracurricular education
Assessment of the level of payment for educational services in the centers of extracurricular education
Age dynamics in respondents’ answers about their academic achievement in the recent semester C-students B-students A-sudents 5 th grade 6 th 7 th 8 th 9th
Age dynamics in C-students Age dynamics in A-students Age dynamics in B-students СО – среднее образование родителей ВО-высшее образование родителей 5 th grade 6th 7th 8th 9th
Зависимость реакции родителей на получение плохой оценки от уровня образования Help to learn Strength control over my homework Punish, scold They know it, but don’t bother Are not interested in my marks They trust me. Believe I Can cope on my own Secondary Higher
Teacher’s assessment by pupils Dependence of pupils views on correctness of teachers’ assessments on their school achievement (%)
Dependence of behaviour at the lessons on school achievement school achievement. C-students B-students A-sudents I can freely express and protect my own point of view I am not allowed to express my point of view, to argue etc A can express my doubt in trueness of some statements I can freely express my feeling and emotions I can argue and critisize a teachers’s opinion
Teachers’ assessment by pupils Dependence of reaction on teachers’ reprimands on school achievement (%)
Impact of a teenager’s family SES on his / her enrollment in sports (%)
School administrators on sources of financial support of computer base of schools in different locations (%)
Attitudes towards the need for developing programs of specialized (profession-oriented) education (%)
Model of a school graduate’s personality Changes in significance of different models of a school graduate’s personality depending on the school status (%)
Assessment of personal success depending on type of educational activity (%) Teachers’ satisfaction with their professional activity
Average Unified State Exam points for university admission in 2009
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