Dennis M. Williams, Jr., Principal Dr. Susan Bitner, Assistant Principal Ralph Rapino, Assistant Principal William Miles, Assistant Principal Louis James, Dir. of Athletics/Extracurricular Activities
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
PRIMARY GOAL To contribute to the goal of improving PSSA scores and making AYP at the high school level on the 2010 test administration. Strategic Plan Goal Alignment: Goal 1.1 – Student Participation Goal 1.2 – PSSA Math, Reading & Writing performance S12 – Communication, Connectivity & Ownership S13 – Continuous Learning Ethic S14 – Data informed decisions & research based solutions S15 – Quality Leadership S17 – Alignment of curriculum, instruction & assessment S18 – Utilization of technology resources to support instruction
Goal 1.1 STUDENT PARTICIPATION Continued work w/ Dr. Gordon & Kim Myers to assist us in monitoring students in out of district placements Stakeholder awareness of PSSA performance is important. Communication with parents, students through varying mediums Student motivation is always an issue for a “high stakes” test where the stakes are not necessarily that high. Adjustments are being made to promote student motivation.
Goal 1.2 PSSA PERFORMANCE AYP has become the benchmark by which school success is measured. Therefore, it is critical that we work to improve our overall status in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, Writing and Science. A variety of strategies are currently being implemented to achieve that goal including: Curriculum alignment in Math, Language Arts & Science Benchmark assessments in Math, Language Arts & Science Use of literacy & math coaches Focused individual support
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S12) COMMUNICATION, CONNECTIVITY & OWNERSHIP Transition Meetings occur through the guidance department and administrative core teams to determine the needs of students over the summer and throughout the school year. Student accomplishments and successes are celebrated frequently through building and district wide recognition. Local schools that have provided release time to the test taking population have experienced an increase in performance.
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S13) CONTINUOUS LEARNING ETHIC We have regrouped this year with two quality math coaches to share the.67 position. The coaches continue to organize benchmark testing and deliver professional development for teachers within the Math Department. David Weber has been an asset to the high school with his work in setting up Performance Tracker and delivering professional development to the teachers. The literacy coach continues to provide strategies and other professional development resources for all staff.
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S14) DATA INFORMED DECISIONS PSSA data and AFG data are used to set annual performance goals for the high school. PSSA data and individual student results are used to determine the placement of students in their academic programming. We have taken advantage of training opportunities offered via MCIU and PDE on resource tools such as the Grow Network, PVAAS and e-Metrics. Performance Tracker is also a new resource that will be invaluable in this effort.
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S15) QUALITY LEADERSHIP Maintain connectivity with students, parents and staff despite the current school and community climate The high school administrative team is consistently working to improve our own professional practice. Tailoring professional development to things that are meaningful and useable Laser-like focus on specific building initiatives Supervision & observation, lesson plan objectives & student engagement
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S17) CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Professional development and training that is content specific. Curriculum review cycles and secondary level curriculum audits. Embed more PSSA style assessment items into English, Math, Science & Social Studies classes. Building wide initiative to use Webb’s Depth of Knowledge in lesson plan and assessment design. This model measures the levels of knowledge extracted from students on assessments to determine what they know and can do. Levels III & IV are our emphasis this yearLevels III & IV
Strategies for Goal 1.2 (S18) UTILIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY Technology initiatives and updated resources have a tremendous impact on classroom instruction at all academic levels. Web-based integrated learning solutions for struggling students in Language Arts & Mathematics. Classroom technology available on two separate platforms (PC/MAC). Building wide wireless infrastructure is currently in place and building wide “hot spots” are in the planning phase.
ATHLETICS & EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES More hands on approach with coaches, sponsors and students Reconnect with students in clubs, activities and organizations. Design of regular meetings with coaches to update their programs. Bi-monthly meetings with student leadership groups (advisory boards, student council, etc.). Maintain the high standard of athletic/extracurricular support that people have come to expect