+ WELCOME TO Health Professions
Junior/Senior Fall Information Meeting WELCOME
+ When to Apply Candidates for 2016 Matriculation Juniors Candidates for 2016 Matriculation or Later Seniors (one or more glide years)
+ HEALTH PROFESSIONS PROGRAM UPDATES 1. Student Leaders you should know 1. Important Staff you should know 2. HP Advising Staff Announcement
+ Mary Lothrop Assistant Director, Health Professions & STEM Advising Career Directions: Health Professions and STEM Fields Professional Background: Prior to coming to Middlebury, Mary was a college faculty member and academic adviser in the health sciences. She earned a BS in Biochemistry from Hobart & William Smith Colleges and an MS in Chemistry from Dartmouth College. "Always know who your team is."
+ Dr. Hannah Benz Health Professions & STEM Clinical Research Advisor Professional Background: Hannah Benz, M.D. joined the Health Professions Committee in 2012, and in 2014 began working with Arlinda Wickland and Mary Lothrop in the Health Professions/STEM Programs. Trained in Internal Medicine, Hannah has had an unconventional medical career having worked at a major teaching hospital, seen patients at a free health clinic, served as a Town Health Officer, and taught diagnostic skills to first year medical students. She earned an A.B. in Biochemistry at Columbia University, and an M.D. at Harvard Medical School.
+ Application to Professional Schools Internal Review Process Fall-Early Spring External Review Process Spring Meeting
+ Health Professions Committee Process Purpose: To evaluate readiness and promise of health professions candidates Extracurricular activities Experiences in a relevant medical field Students’ personal story Academic record Letters of recommendation Health Professions Interviews Three one-to-one interviews with members of HPC during Winter Term or early Spring Term
+ HPC Process (cont.) Committee Members Write interview summaries Present summaries with ratings to entire committee for discussion Committee arrives at final confidential rating: Good Very Good Excellent Superior Not Recommended Recommendations/Feedback
Health Professions Committee Mary Lothrop, co-chair Roger Sandwick, co-chair Dr. Hannah Benz Jeff Byers, Chemistry Ananya Christman, Computer Science Florence Feiereisen, German Erick Gong, Economics Chong-suk Han, Sociology/Anthropology John Huddleston, Studio Art Tom Root, Biology HP AdvisorsHPC Members
+ Candidate File 1. Biographical Report Activities during academic year, vacation periods and summer experiences. Experiences prior to college should be included only if pertinent or significant Updated after the committee review usually in early summer of the application year. 2. Essay
+ Candidate File (cont.) 3. Academic Record CCI Obtains copies of grade reports after Fall term grades are posted. Provide Nicole Veilleux with transcripts of coursework completed elsewhere. (Unofficial is fine) **** Scores of Entrance Exams (not generally reviewed as part of evaluation process)
+ Candidate File (cont.) 4. Letters of Recommendation Three minimum: required - two science, major, extracurricular, research – avoid character references if possible; grads will likely have four or five. Must have a minimum of two letters to proceed with interviews: two science and another; more is better. Contact referees as early as possible Provide your resume or bio report, essay, and a current unofficial transcript. Don’t hesitate to ask whether or not an individual is willing to provide strong support.
+ Professional School Exams DAT GRE MCAT Summary aamc.org/mcat – “How Scores are Used by Medical Schools”
+ Importance of Ratings: Offer of Acceptance Interview recommendation 4.5 Letters of evaluation/recommendation 3.7 GPAs: Cum. Science/Math 3.6 GPAs Cum. Undergraduate Total 3.6 Community service – Medical/Clinical 3.5 MCAT total scores 3.4 Personal statements 3.3 MCAT Biological Sciences scores 3.3
+ Importance Ratings: Offer of Acceptance (cont.) Medical/clinical work 3.3 MCAT Verbal Reasoning scores 3.2 Community service – not medical/clinical 3.2 Leadership experience 3.1 MCAT Physical Sciences scores 3.1 Completion of premed course requirements 3.1
+ Clinical Opportunities We are pleased to announce that Middlebury has affiliations with the following hospitals:
+ Porter Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Experience. Students work closely with a physician preceptor and rotate with a variety of physicians and health care professionals. Winter Term Internship Apply via Mojo – deadline OCTOBER 9!
+ University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center UMMMC has internship opportunities in Surgery, Medicine, Radiology and Emergency Medicine Summer internship
+ New London Hospital New London is smaller, but has similar offerings to UMMMC. Summer internship
+ Krant Internship/Fellowship Winter Term Clinical Internship at Adirondack Medical Center Students work with a preceptor and interact with various health care professionals in the North Country. The internship includes rotations at a clinic in one of the region’s Native American reservations Summer Fellowship in health policy advocacy in New York and DC
+ Trudeau Insititute A biomedical research organization, whose scientific mission is to make breakthrough discoveries leading to improved human health. Summer Research Internship
+ Building the School List Meeting Will be Early Spring 2015 Keep an eye on the Health Professions Blog & Newsletters for more information.
+ Research Admissions Requirements and Deadlines for Schools Which You May Want to Attend
+ FinisFinis