Application Protocol Class of 2013 April 11, 2012
START EARLY! Application deadlines are within the first few weeks of school. Plan accordingly by using your summer break to get ahead on as much work as possible. Organization is imperative for a successful application process. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!
APPLICATION DEADLINES You have been assigned to one of three application deadlines listed below. Application Deadline #1: September 14 th Application Deadline #2: October 1 st Application Deadline #3: October 15 th
Application Submission Protocol All applications must be submitted at the same time – we will not accept applications on a case by case basis – NO EXCEPTIONS! Most applications will be submitted electronically, however, some application documents will still be submitted in paper form. Organization is key.
Types of Applications Common Application ~460 institutions Process Supplement School Specific Application Examples Differences Florida Public School Application
Components of an Application: Biographical Information Extracurricular Activity Form Essays/Writing Samples Transcript/Academic Record Secondary School Report Counselor Recommendation Letter/Evaluation Form Teacher Recommendation Letter/Evaluation Form Supplements
Application Submission Protocol ELECTRONIC Application (Common App, Naviance schools and others) Application Supplement (if applicable) Supplement essay Personal Essay/Short Answer Extracurricular Activities Brag Sheet Counselor Form (Secondary School Report) Transcript Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendations PAPER (Non-Common Application and Non-Naviance) Brag Sheet Counselor Form Teacher Recommendation Form Transcript/ Counselor Recommendation (i.e., Georgetown, UF, Florida Public Schools)
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION For all electronic submissions, students must set up an individual appointment with Mr. Runge or Mr. Salmon to review completed online applications before submission. Meetings will occur at least one week in advance to students’ internal application deadline. Do not procrastinate.
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION – Writing Samples Recall that all schools will require a 500 word essay. In addition, schools may require the following: – Writing Sample (a graded expository writing piece…do not throw away any junior year English or history essays). – 100 – 250 word supplements. For instance, a college may require a “Why Prestigious University” supplement. Work on these writing samples over the summer break. Mr. Runge and Mr. Salmon will look for final (aka edited) versions at time of application submission.
PAPER SUBMISSION (for schools not utilizing Common App or Naviance) For each application not utilizing electronic submission (tied to Naviance), you must bring in the following (in paper form): – A copy of your brag sheet for each college/university to which you are applying – A copy of the counselor/school reporting form – Teacher recommendation forms (hand deliver with stamped envelopes to the college). Please hand deliver to your teachers.
Standardized Tests It is also your responsibility to send your standardized test scores directly to the colleges/universities to which you are applying. The College Counseling Office WILL NOT send scores. This is the responsibility of the student.
Standardized Testing AGAIN, you are responsible for sending colleges and universities all standardized testing scores (AP, ACT, SAT, SAT Subject). WE, being the college counseling team, will not send scores to colleges per FERPA regulations.
Sending Standardized Test Scores to Colleges It is very important that you send your ACT, AP, and SAT scores in a timely fashion to the colleges you are applying. However, if your scores are weaker, do not send until after speaking with your college counselor Typically, a college will receive your scores approximately 5 weeks after your score request is received by the testing agency. Fees range from $10-$15 per score sent. You are strongly urged to consider rushing your fall scores as you want to make sure that they arrive around the same time as your application.
Sending Scores Visit the CollegeBoard, ACT, and AP Score Report pages, include the college or universities CEEB code as a score recipient, and pay the fees associated with sending the scores.
Teacher Recommendation Protocol for Non- Common Application/Naviance Institutions Print out the teacher recommendation form (most often found on the schools admission Web site). Sign and date the form. Indicate that you “Waive Your Right.” Otherwise, a recommendation will not be sent on your behalf. Provide stamped and addressed envelopes to your teacher recommenders. Indicate the date letters need to be sent out.
Reminders, Responsibilities, and Expectations… It is your responsibility to own the application process. You are required to know application requirements for each institution (i.e., writing supplements, interviews, college visits, test optional, peer recommendation, etc.). Do not expect your college counselor to remind you to interview, or to complete writing supplements. We will expect that you were aware of the requirements (aka do your application research)! Check your account daily. Although you will tire of Mr. Salmon’s daily reminders, they are important. Stay connected. Also, make sure to read college s. Perhaps they will ask you for additional materials or remind you of missing materials. Visit and research colleges and universities. Do you have likely schools on your list? Do you love your likely schools? These are important questions to consider… Apply for fee waivers. Ms. Baldwin will need to verify. The college counseling office will not assume that a student requires a fee waiver. This is your responsibility.