Educational Champion Training MODULE 10: Extracurricular Activities © National Center for Youth Law, April This document does not constitute legal advice or representation. For legal advice, readers should consult their own counsel. This document may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided any reproduction is accompanied by an acknowledgement. All other rights reserved. 1
Why Focus on Extracurricular Activities? Extracurricular activities give children an opportunity to practice academic skills in a real-world context. Participation in extracurricular activities increases self-esteem and sense of belonging – these reduce the likelihood of academic failure and school dropout. Participation in extracurricular activities helps with consistent attendance, academic achievement, and aspirations for continuing education beyond high school. Foster youth have the right to participate in extracurricular activities, just like any other student! APRIL 20132
Think about whether the child could benefit from participating in some after-school activities. Make a list of any hobbies or interests the child has, and of activities you think the child might like to participate in. Here are some examples of extracurricular activities: Sports teams Art programs School newspaper School band Special interest clubs, like photography club or the Model United Nations club APRIL 20133
Other ways to find extracurricular activities. Talk to other members in the community to find activities available in your county. Ask the office staff at the school for information activities that are available at the school site. Ask the district’s foster youth education liaison. Check with the child’s CASA advocate or social worker for more ideas or recommendations. APRIL 20134
Talk to the child about getting involved in one or more activities. Ask the child if s/he is interested in participating in some after- school activities. Be respectful of the child’s feelings. Encourage the child to participate in something s/he enjoys but do not pressure or force the child to participate. APRIL 20135
Talk to the child about how things are going. Once the child to participate in an activity, regularly ask the child about how things are going. For example, you could ask: What did you do at practice today? What project is your school club working on? Did you learn anything new in (activity) today? APRIL 20136
Be prepared to support the child’s participation in the activity. If the child decides to participate in a program, make sure you have a plan to get the child to/ from the activity regularly. Know that some activities may involve small expenses. Talk to the social worker for help. The timing of the activity may change the child’s after-school routine at home. Talk to the child about creating a schedule. Make sure there is time to do homework, eat dinner, & get enough sleep. If you are not the child’s caregiver, check with the social worker on the best way for you to communicate and coordinate with the caregiver. APRIL 20137
Think about whether the child could also benefit from a summer activity or program. Check with the school district foster youth education liaison and other school staff, the child’s social worker, or the child’s CASA for ideas and recommendations. APRIL 20138
Consider getting input from other adults involved in the child’s life. Especially if the child does not live with you, you may want to ask other adults in the child’s life for help recommending and seeking out appropriate extracurricular activities for the child. EXAMPLE: If the child does not live with you, you may want to ask the caregiver for insight on the child’s interests and hobbies. Because the caregiver has daily contact with the child, both the caregiver and the child will benefit when you involve the caregiver in connecting the child with extracurricular activities. Check with the social worker about the best way for you to communicate and coordinate with the caregiver. APRIL 20139
My Goals: What I will do:How often I will do this: _____________________________________ APRIL
Resources. This PowerPoint, Tip Sheets, Mentoring Modules, and supporting materials can be found at: If you have questions about the materials, please contact: Other Resources: Extracurricular Participation and Student Engagement, written by the National Center for Education Statistics and available at APRIL