N OVEMBER 4, 2014 M RS. A H Y OUNG C HI D EAN OF C OLLEGE A DMISSIONS BHUSD. ORG 9 th Grade College Guidance BHHS Class of 2018
Agenda 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall College guidance overview for Freshmen Debunking college myths Introduction to college admissions ACT-SAT StartUp follow up & brief overview of college admissions testing What Freshmen should be doing Upcoming events summary Useful resources Q & A
College Guidance Overview for Freshmen 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Theme: Invitation and Exploration Goal: Orientation and get to know yourself and your surroundings. Build good study habits, work hard and do well in your classes, learn how to challenge yourself, prepare for rigorous classes in 10th grade, get to know yourself and explore your interests, get involved in extracurricular activities, learn what resources are around you and how to take advantage of the resources so that you can be successful, learn how to balance it all.
Selective College Admissions… 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Is usually never predictable. Has lots of limitations like: Factors you have no control over (some applicant’s last name is on the library and that’s no coincidence). Getting the “best” grades does not always lead to acceptance. Is not just about the numbers (numbers are important!)- what you do in and out of the classroom matters. Find balance with passion. Let YOU drive the college search process. Find the best college for YOU. Don’t conform to what you think colleges want you to be; just be YOU.
College Entrance Requirements 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Required subjects/A-G courses GPA & passing grade of C in required courses Standardized tests SAT or ACT (both accepted at all schools) SAT Subject exams TOEFL for English learners Extracurricular involvement and/or job experience Essay or personal statement Interview, portfolio, or audition Recommendation letters from counselor & teachers = “HOLISTIC” review of application (except for Cal States)HOLISTICCal States
But What Are Colleges REALLY Looking For? 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Succeed in college’s curriculum Success in challenging curriculum at high school Have you taken advantage of the opportunities at your school? 2. Thrive in the college’s environment Extracurricular involvement Leadership experience, dedication, long term commitment 3. Challenge the faculty while you’re there Intellectual engagement and curiosity Do you like to learn for learning’s sake? Institutional priority: legacy, athletics, diversity, other special talents, money, well rounded class Meet other entrance requirements
Subject/A-G Requirements 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall (a) History/Social Science: 2 years (3 years for BHHS) (b) English: 4 years (c) Math: 3 years (4 years recommended) (d) Lab Science: 2 years (3-4 years recommended) (e) Language other than English: 2 years of same language (3-4 years recommended) (f) Visual and Performing Arts: 1 year of same genre (g) College prep elective: 1 year = 15 units
Subject/A-G Requirements 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall UC/CSU minimum eligibility 15 units UCLA average for Fall 2014 admits 27.5 units (applicants: 26 units) UCLA average for Senior year courses for Fall 2014 admits 6 units (applicants: 6 units) Source
Extracurricular Involvement 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall School related: ASB, yearbook, journalism, sports, music, theater, clubs, academic decathlon, robotics, etc Community service Work experience, paid or unpaid Internships, paid or unpaid Summer programs and activities Remember… Quality over quantity Take LEADERSHIP roles Plan summer activities wisely- do SOMETHING You don’t have to cure cancer to be admitted to college! (But it definitely doesn’t hurt.) Start your resume now
What Should STUDENTS Be Doing Now? 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Do well in your classes: #1 goal Your transcript (grades and coursework) is the most important factor in admission decisions Nothing replaces the importance of your transcript Learn how to study and improve time management skills Learn how to use resources and support services Get connected to College Center: s via Jupiter Grades, like on Facebook, subscribe to Mrs. Chi’s pageCollege CenterFacebookMrs. Chi’s page Attend evening events and College Tuesday Workshopsevening eventsCollege Tuesday Workshops Explore interests and careers; get to know yourself! Get involved in extracurricular activities Get familiar with Naviance Family ConnectionNaviance Family Connection
What Should PARENTS Be Doing Now? 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Stay connected to College Center: s via Jupiter Grades, like on Facebook, subscribe to Mrs. Chi’s pageCollege CenterFacebookMrs. Chi’s page Allow your students to take the lead (but a little positive nudge here and there is encouraged) Stay in touch with their progress, academic and socialprogress Get familiar with Naviance Family ConnectionNaviance Family Connection Coffee with the Counselors Attend evening events hosted by College Centerevening events Take your students to college campuses
Upcoming Events 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Program/ActivityDate Coffee with the CounselorsCoffee with the Counselors (parents only)Thursday, November 5, 2014 Pizza with the Counselors (students only)November-December 2014 College Athletics NightTuesday, November 18, 2014 College Tuesday WorkshopsDecember 2014 – May 2015 Coffee with the CounselorsCoffee with the Counselors (parents only)Thursday, December 4, 2014 Coffee with the CounselorsCoffee with the Counselors (parents only)Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Selective College Admissions NightTuesday, January 20, 2015 Coffee with the CounselorsCoffee with the Counselors (parents only)Thursday, February 5, th Grade Classroom Guidance LessonMarch 2015 Individual advisement with counselorsMarch 2015 College Connections FairMarch 23, 2015
Looking Ahead to Sophomore Year 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Evening programs Classroom guidance lessons: once a semester College admissions testing PSAT in October Practice ACT in Spring 2016 College Tuesday Workshops: every Tuesday during lunch College rep visits to BHHS September through early November Over 100 reps come to BHHS! Individual advisement with counselors: 2 nd semester Coffee with the Counselors (parents only): once a month Coffee with the Counselors
Looking Ahead to Junior Year 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall Evening programs Classroom guidance lessons: once a semester College admissions testing PSAT in October SAT-ACT Strategy Workshop to figure out which test is better for you College Tuesday Workshops: every Tuesday during lunch College rep visits to BHHS September through early November Over 100 reps come to BHHS! Individual conference with counselors: starts in January Coffee with the Counselors (parents only): once a month Coffee with the Counselors
Useful Web Resources 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall great blog to follow college reviews by students important data you should know about colleges Please try to avoid “gossip” sites like College Confidential. It won’t help you!
Best College Guidebooks 9th Grade College Guidance Night Fall If the U Fits, Kevin McMullin If the U Fits Fiske Guide to Colleges, Edward Fiske Fiske Guide to Colleges Colleges that Change Lives, Loren Pope Colleges that Change Lives The Insider’s Guide to the Colleges, Yale Daily News Staff The Insider’s Guide to the Colleges The Best 379 Colleges, The Princeton Review The Best 379 Colleges Creative Colleges: A Guide for Student Actors, Artists, Dancers, Musicians, and Writers, Elaina Loveland Creative Colleges: A Guide for Student Actors, Artists, Dancers, Musicians, and Writers College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You, Steven Antonoff College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You Admission Matters, Sally Springer, Jon Reider, and Marion Franck Admission Matters The Gatekeepers, Jacques Steinberg The Gatekeepers