Intellectual Needs Pace is matched to student ability and achievement Depth and Complexity is appropriately adjusted in each subject area Affective Social and emotional development Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills focus
Qualified teachers are trained to meet the needs and appreciate the nature of gifted students. GT Specialist support students with curriculum, materials and advocacy. Opportunities to practice critical thinking and develop leadership skills are incorporated into the curriculum. Extra-curricular opportunities (conferences, competitions, etc…) take place throughout the year. GT students develop requisite skills for the future through extended research projects (PSP).
GT teacher/specialist collaboration Differentiated curriculum Special math groups Special literature groups (problems/solutions in literature) Enrichment/Extension Labs and Workstations Self-selected research (PSP) Academic competition opportunities
GT teacher/specialist collaboration Acceleration Pre-AP Performance Standard Project
Junior High Advanced classes Differentiated Instruction Pre-AP High School Advanced Placement Dual Credit
UIL Destination Imagination Chess Club Honor Choir Camp Invention Continental Math League Scrabble Club Spelling Bee Number Sense Club TMSCA Drama Fine Arts Geography Bee Scholastic Writing Science Fair LEGO Robotics Instant Challenge Club
Nomination Only New TISD students can be screened/tested in the fall. This is done upon request. All other TISD students may request testing each spring. All Kindergarten students are screened and nomination is not required. Screening Once a student is nominated and the permission to test form is received by the GT Specialist, an ability screening assessment is administered. Students must have a score of 128 or higher (96 th percentile or higher) to qualify. Testing Achievement testing is administered in each subject area. Qualifying students must score at the 95th percentile or better in any subject area. If the student meets the minimum requirements in BOTH ability AND achievement, he/she qualifies for the TISD GT Program. Selection Committee Campus Committee (administrator, counselor, specialist and teachers) District Committee (director, specialists) Placement Students qualifying in the fall MUST move to GT teacher’s room. Students who qualify in the spring will start the program next school year. Qualifying Kindergarten students begin services as of March 1st. Transfers Transfer students who were previously enrolled in GT, MUST submit documentation and scores from the previous school for review. Students are not automatically enrolled in TISD’s GT Program. Qualifying scores from other schools are good for two (2) years.
Ability Index Objective Measures Subjective Measures Achievement (Standford-10) (Percentile Scores) Rdg.Math Sci.SSObservation Inventories Portfolio (optional) Creativity (optional) Criteria Parent Teacher Student Score NNAT OLSAT Criteria Met
The Tomball Independent School District GT Program is aligned with the Texas State Plan for the Gifted. ~ TISD is committed to providing opportunities for students to showcase their talents. ~ TISD is committed to meeting the academic and affective needs of gifted students from K-12.
1. Will there be more work? GT students will complete tasks that are appropriate for their level of ability and achievement. Just as the average student should experience at least one (1) year of academic growth, so should a GT student. The instructional opportunities and assignments should be designed to maximize the GT student’s learning experience. The tasks may indeed be “harder” than that of an average student, but that doesn’t mean it is “too hard” for the GT student. The GT program is meant to be more rigorous and challenging than the general education program. That is what makes it a special program. 2. What happens if a child does not qualify this year? Students may be nominated, screened and tested every spring, but not more frequently. Any qualifying scores obtained during testing may be applied to later testing for two (2) years. 3. What happens if a child qualifies, but does not perform well in the program? A meeting may be held with the parents after the specialist analyzes data and observes the student at work in the classroom. A struggling GT student may request a one-year furlough. However, if the problems are severe and a furlough is not expected to ameliorate the situation, the student may be exited from the program. This is a joint decision between parents, students, specialists and teachers. 4. Does a child ever have to be retested? Student performance will be reviewed before entering Pre-AP/Accelerated programs at Grade Is a record of the testing kept? Yes, GT specialists keep a record of the testing that has been completed at their campuses. Once students move up to the next campus level, the records are transferred. Students who withdraw from the district should request copies of the records, as they are only kept for three (3) years after the student leaves. 6. How many students are in the program? TISD’s GT program includes approximately 8% of the student population in the entire district.
CAMPUS SPECIALISTS Canyon Pointe Elementary – Jennifer Bull Decker Prairie Elementary – Anne Smith Lakewood Elementary – Whitney Bilyeu Rosehill Elementary – Jennifer Bull Tomball Elementary – Anne Smith Willow Creek Elementary – Cathy Eng Creekside Forest Elementary –Catherine Karamath Timber Creek Elementary – Angeleen French Northpointe Intermediate – Julie Bowles Tomball Intermediate – Stephanie Scott