AVID Honors English
AVID: What is it? Advancement Via Individual Determination College-Readiness For those in the academic middle For those with a desire to go to college For those who are willing to work hard
The AVID Class Will be paired with Honors English 9 Takes place over the entire academic year Works on: Organizational skills Critical thinking Probing questions Academic support from peers and tutors Enrichment and motivational activities that make college seem attainable
AVID Curriculum Created to prepare students for college Driven by WICOR method Writing Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading
AVID Site Team Amber Schultz: Assistant Principal Joan Angell: Counselor Rachael Fountain: Site Coordinator, AVID Honors 9 English Greg Sowden: English; AVID AP 11 English Dave Christensen: English; AVID Honors 10 English Mike Engelhaupt: Math Jen Munsch: Social Studies Kevin Overgaard: Science
AVID Honors English 9 The curriculum naturally pairs with components of Honors English 9 (writing, inquiry, reading) AVID strategies and tutorials will be integrated into the Honors English 9 curriculum over three trimesters The first unit will introduce the AVID strategies and requirements to students. Here are some of the requirements for the AVID Elective Credit: Three ring binder Cornell Notes Tutorial requests Guest speakers Field trips
Sample Week MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Honors English 9 lesson utilizing WICOR strategies Socratic Tutorials -Facilitated by tutor, supervised by AVID teacher Honors English 9 lesson utilizing WICOR strategies Socratic Tutorials -Facilitated by tutor, supervised by AVID teacher Enrichment: Team building, guest speakers, evaluations, Socratic Seminar, Philosophical Chairs, college research
Rigor in High School Doesn’t necessarily mean more work Work should be more challenging Should focus on higher levels of thinking and questioning Students enrolled in the AVID class will be expected to enroll in Honors, AP, and CIS classes during their high school career Students will sign a contract to maintain their GPA, enroll in college prep courses, be an active learner in all classes, complete the required AVID curriculum, participate in extracurricular activities and community service, and prepare for and take college entrance exams.
Parent Involvement Parent feedback Supporting your student at home Fundraising for the class: field trips, class materials, scholarships Remind – a communication application on your phone that sends text messages from your teacher: To join, send a text to: with the
Communication and Celebration AVID Coordinator Assistant Principal Schultz Principal Phelps Phone calls Post Cards Class celebrations
AVID Family Within the classroom, we will work on creating an academic and social support network Within the building, we will connect with staff members from different departments, including administration and our support personal Within the community, we will work with businesses to support the goal of post-secondary education We will also work with colleges and universities to further prepare for a post-secondary education