Resiliency and Mental Wellness


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Presentation transcript:

Resiliency and Mental Wellness

Resilience the ability to personally or professionally succeed despite adversity; coping effectively with difficulties that might otherwise lead to anxiety, depression, withdrawal, physical symptoms, or poor achievement to rebound, or bounce back in the face of adversity; and to develop competence (social, academic, and vocational) despite exposure to severe stress or the challenges of everyday life

Resilience Social competence Problem solving skills Autonomy Sense of purpose; optimism

Mental Wellness The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Mental Wellness Focus on strengths, assets, protective buffers Develop a supportive, caring, nurturing climate

Community School Family Individual Peer

Protective and Risk Factors Protective Factors: buffer against the impact of barriers (risk factors) Individual, family, school, and community

Risk Factors: Internal and external barriers to development and learning

Community School Family Individual Peer

Community School Family Peer Individual Opportunity to engage in pro-social activities, or that caring adults are present in their community Rewards - youth feel that their postive behaviors are recognized and acknowledged by their community School Opportunity to interact with teachers and participate in school-related activities Rewards - youth feel acknowledged by their their teachers and their parents relative to school performance and participation Family Opportunity to participate in family decision making and do fun things with family Rewards - parents acknowledge and praise when they do well Attachment - youth feel close to and can share openly with parents Peer Individual Social Skills - skills in decision-making, conflict resolution, and making good choices Belief in a Moral Order - youth perspective on whether it is ok to steal, cheat, or lie

The more assets the fewer risk behaviors Assets/Strengths Good Grades Involved in extracurricular activities Involved in decision-making Involved in community service Lots of adults in my neighborhood to talk to Parents notice when doing a good job 11 11

The more assets the fewer risk behaviors Assets/Strengths Good Grades Involved in extracurricular activities Involved in decision-making Involved in community service Lots of adults in my neighborhood to talk to Parents notice when doing a good job 12 12

The more assets the fewer risk behaviors Assets/Strengths Good Grades Involved in extracurricular activities Involved in decision-making Involved in community service Lots of adults in my neighborhood to talk to Parents notice when doing a good job 13 13

Skills like decision making, conflict resolution, making good choices Protective Factors General Population Used Drugs or Alcohol Ever in a Gang Community Rewards for Involvement 51% 46% 37% Youth feel that their positive behaviors are recognized by the community Peer and Individual Social Skills 67% 40% 30% Skills like decision making, conflict resolution, making good choices

Reporting Symptoms of Depression Protective Factors General Population Reporting Symptoms of Depression Used Drugs or Alcohol 74% 61% 51% I can ask my mom or dad for help

Other Experiences and Regular Attendance at Religious Activities

Fairfax Youth A Gauge of Mental Wellness Almost all Fairfax County youth report that there are lots of opportunities to get involved in positive activities in and outside of school Nearly a quarter of Fairfax County youth are physically active for at least 60 minutes every day Three out of four youth report they can go to their parents for help with a problem More than two-thirds of Fairfax County youth have not used any drugs or alcohol in the past 30 days Talking Points: Because of our commitment to our youth and to prevention, our youth are doing well overall. 17 17

A Gauge of Youth Mental Wellness Sadly slightly higher rates of depression in both pyramids

Teens in Fairfax County who experienced Depression in the past 12 months Females 35% Males 26%

Adolescent Girls 20% of girls reported that they had considered suicide 5% of girls attempted suicide 14% of females reported some unhealthy weight loss behavior in the past 30 days

Depression/Considered Suicide by Race/Ethnicity - Countywide Similar to national trends, races/ethnicities other than White are more likely to report feeling depressed and considering suicide

Actual Participation in Extracurricular Activities Once a Month or More

How can we create opportunities that tap into the resiliency in all of us?

Everyone’s Got Basic Human Needs

Resiliency Traits in All of Us Cooperation Empathy Problem-Solving Self-Efficacy Self-Awareness Goals, Dreams, Hopes We learn and develop through experience using these traits.

Resiliency: We are who we are BECAUSE of not in spite of

The Biggie: Locus of Control Do you control your destiny or are you controlled by it? Is it what you do or events that happen to you that alter your life path? Is it about being at the right place at the right time? NOTE: Internal LOC can be learned through experiences. Balance is key- You need the other traits to keep the balance

Resiliency Ponderings: How can we insert opportunities to use resiliency traits in all domains? Community School Family Individual Peer

When compared to youth who do NOT report depressive symptoms, youth who report depressive symptoms are: More likely to have used drugs and alcohol More likely to have skipped school Twice as likely to report binge drinking Seven times more likely to report considering suicide Twice as likely to have first had sex before the age of 12 Twice as likely to have been in a fight