Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities TEA & UIL Side by Side Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
Eligibility For UIL Participants For The First Six Weeks To be eligible to participate in a contest the first six weeks of the school year the following standards must have been met: Students beginning grades nine and below must have been promoted. Students entering second year of high school must have earned five credits which count toward state high school graduation requirements. Students entering third year must have earned ten credits or five credits during the preceding twelve months. Students entering fourth year of high school must have earned fifteen credits or five credits during the preceding twelve months. Exceptions: High school students transferring from out-of-state may be eligible if they had remained in the out-of-state school. Students who enroll in grade 9 for the first time at the beginning of the second semester. TEA & UIL
Eligibility for All Extracurricular Participants After the First Six Weeks A student who receives, at the end of any grading period, a grade below 70 may not participate. Exceptions: An identified class eligible for exemption A student with disabilities who meets their IEP Three school week evaluation periods for ineligible students (15 class days) Exception-one of the three schools weeks may be shorter Students regain or loose eligibility seven days after the end of a grading or evaluation period-no exceptions All students are academically eligible during a school holiday of a full calendar week or more Students who pass remain eligible until the end of the next grading period TEA & UIL
Dropping a Class with a Failing Grade A student that drops a class in which he/she has a grade below 70 after the end of the first four school weeks is ineligible. Dropping an honors class which is exempt does not cause loss of eligibility. Unless full-time status is affected or the school has adopted a more stringent policy. Dropping a non-honors class with a grade lower than 70 at the end of the grading period causes a student to loose eligibility. TEA & UIL
Student Success Initiative (SSI) If the Grade Placement Committee (GPC) places a student into the next grade he/she is ineligible. If the GPC promotes the student prior to the first day of school he/she is eligible. TEA & UIL
Eligibility for Special Education Students Academic standards for the first six weeks of school year: ARD Committee determines and specifies in the IEP what a student must achieve to be promoted. ARD Committee determines the number of credits needed to be eligible for UIL activities. If a student who has received a failing grade is later referred for special education and found eligible for special education services, the ARD Committee cannot restore the students' eligibility for extracurricular activities. TEA & UIL
Miscellaneous TAKS Review Courses do not count toward the number of credits needed to be eligible the first six weeks of the school year. If a student fails a TAKS Review Course he/she does not lose eligibility. After a failing grade has been recorded a student’s grade may be changed to passing and eligibility restored only if the grade was: Arbitrary Erroneous Not consistent with school district grading policy TEA & UIL
Miscellaneous Cont… The superintendent of a member school district shall provide the district executive committee with full disclosure when a student’s grade is modified by an administrator in such manner that affects UIL eligibility. Other: College Courses Correspondence Courses Night School Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) TEA & UIL