1 Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed Ph.D., FBAS, FIE, MASCE Vice-Chancellor, Stamford University Bangladesh STAMFORD UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH Meeting with the Academic Departments February 24, 2015 An Introduction to An Introduction to Establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell at SUB
2 O The Project O Objectives of the Project O Organizational Structure of the Project O Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards O Funding of the Project O Evaluation Outlines of Presentation
The Context of the Project Higher education is crucially important for the sustainable socioeconomic development of a nation. The number of students at tertiary level in Bangladesh has increased from 1.12 million to 2.61 million in last four years. Around 112 universities have been established to provide higher education; Quality in higher education is now the mission of the GOB to achieve the target of middle income status by The GOB, WB has generously funded the project named HEQEP, implemented by UGC. Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) is a part of HEQEP established at UGC to oversee the Quality Assurance (QA) activities at university level. Stamford University has availed this opportunity to enhance the quality of its education. 3
The Project Establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Stamford University Bangladesh to institutionalize quality assurance system that supports continuous enhancement of quality of education through assessment of educational performance according to the established criteria and standards. And Self-Assessment Committees (SACs) in all Academic Departments to conduct Self-Assessment exercise. Project Cost : IQAC : Tk. 1,60,00,000 SAC : Tk. 1,31,05,600 Total : Tk. 2,91,05,600.- Project Duration : 3 Years
5 The Project Agreement on behalf of Stamford University Bangladesh (SUB) and University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh was signed on 18 December 2014 Commencement : January 2015 Completion : December 2017
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Objectives 1.Institutionalize the quality assurance culture in accordance with the national quality assurance (QA) guidelines and international practice; 2.Ensure that the university’s quality assurance procedures are designed following Quality Assurance Guidelines and National Requirements; 3.Develop, maintain and enhance quality of education and people’s perception in favour of the university; 4.Build image of the university with confidence of the stakeholders ensuring transparency, accountability and good practices; 5.Prepare the university to meet the external quality assurance assessment 5.Prepare the university to meet the external quality assurance assessment and accreditation requirement.
Self-Assessment (SA) Exercise General Objectives To improve the quality of education addressing the needs of the major stakeholders and national relevance. Specific Objectives 1.Identification of learning needs; 2.Assessment of teaching-leaning capacity of the department; 3.Review the effectiveness of existing procedures and provisions in practice; 4.Identify the areas need to be improved to enhance the capacity of the department and individuals to provide and maintain quality in education; 5.Create a basis for external assessment and validation; 6.Provide guidelines or direction to the university for strategic planning.
8 STAGE III RecognitionAccreditation RecognitionAccreditation InstitutionalLevelInstitutionalLevel ProgramLevelProgramLevel STAGE II IQAC: Internal Quality Assurance validated by External Reviewer STAGE I QAU: QA Areas, policy Guidance STAGE I QAU: QA Areas, policy Guidance Quality Assurance Framework
Internal Quality Assurance System in General
Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) Institutional Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC ) Institutional Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC ) SACArch SACBUS SACEEE SACCEN SACFILM SACENV SACJRN SACMBO SACCSE SAC SACPHARM SACLAW SACFILM SACENG Structural Framework of the Project Ministry & UGC UGC Stamford University Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
11 Director (Dr. Md. Shahidul Kabir) Director (Dr. Md. Shahidul Kabir) Organizational Structure of INSTITUTIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL Additional Director (M Azizul Haque) Additional Director (M Azizul Haque) Official (Administrative Officer/ Office Manager) Official (Administrative Officer/ Office Manager) Official (Account/Finance officeer, Communication officer) Official (Account/Finance officeer, Communication officer) Support Staff (Record keeper, Data entry/Computer operator. Messenger/MLSS ) Support Staff (Record keeper, Data entry/Computer operator. Messenger/MLSS )
Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards 1Governance 1.1 Mission and objectives `1.2 Management 1.3 Accountability and transparency 1.4 Academic leadership and autonomy 1.5 Stakeholder’s feedback 2.Curriculum Content Design and Review 2.1 Involvement of stakeholders 2.2 Need assessment 2.3 Content and structure 2.4 Defining course leaning objectives 2.5 Skill development mechanism or strategy 2.6 Evaluation and review
Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards Cont….. 3.Student Admission, Progress and Achievements 3.1 Entry qualification `3.2 Admission procedure 3.3 Progress and achievements 4.Physical Facilities 4.1 Classroom 4.2 Library facilities 4.3 Laboratory and field laboratories 4.4 Medical facilities 4.5 Other facilities (common rooms, cafeteria, reading room, auditorium, facilities for indoor and outdoor games, separate toilets etc.
Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards Contd….. 5.Teaching-Learning 5.1 Quality of teachers and staffs `5.2 Teaching-Learning method 5.3 Use of lesson plan 5.4 Technology integration 5.5Focus 5.5 Skill development mechanism 6.Assessment of Students 6.1 Continuous Assessment 6.2 Formal Examinations
Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards Contd….. 7.Student Support Services 7.1 Academic guidance and counseling 7.2 Co-curricular and extracurricular activities 7.3 Career and placement 7.4 Alumni services 7.5 Community services 8.Staff and Facilities 8.1 Recruitment `8.2 Staff development 8.3 Peer observation 8.4 Career development 8.5 Key performance indicator
Self-Assessment Criteria and Standards Contd….. 9.Research and Extension 9.1 Research facilities and funding 9.2 Collaboration and hunt for research funds 9.3 Publications in reputed journals 9.4 Patent of innovation 9.5 Extension services to industry and communities 10. Process Management and Continuous Improvement
Feedback for Self-Assessment 1.Survey questionnaire for EMPLOYER 2.Survey questionnaire for ALUMNI 3.Survey questionnaire for STUDENTS 4.Survey questionnaire for NON-ACADEMIC STAFF 5.Survey questionnaire for ACADEMIC STAFF External Peer Reviewers 1.Academician/ peer reviewer in the respective field from within country 2 Academician/peer reviewer from outside the country
Funding for Establishment of IQAC Total Cost : 160 lacs + 10% cost escalation World Bank (HEQEP) : 80 lac Stamford University : 80 lac Co-Funding by World Bank and University
19 Funds for Establishment of IQAC Total Cost : 160 lacs Item wise Cost Distribution in Lac Taka
20 At Stamford Univ. No. of Departments having Teacher > 50 = = 10 < 10 = 2 Criteria for Department-wise Allocation of Funds The WB divided the departments into 3 categories based on the number of teachers for allocation of funds. Category 1: > 50 teachers, Category 2 : teachers and Category 3: <10 teachers.
21 Funding for Self-Assessment Total Cost : Tk. 1,31,05,600 ( 100% World Bank (HEQEP) Departmental Allocations of the Fund
22 Funding for Self-Assessment
Quantitative RatingQualitative Rating 5Excellent 4Very Good 3Good 2Poor 1Unsatisfactory Final ScoreOverall Judgment 46-50Excellent 36-45Very Good 26-35Good 16-25Poor Unsatisfactory Rating and Judgment of a Program
24 Selection of Departments to Start the project The World Bank requested to select 4 degree awarding departments to start the project. The Vice-Chancellor and Pro-VC in consultation with the President selected 4 department on the basis of size and discipline. The selected departments are BUS, ENG, EEE and ENV. that represent the largest, the smallest and 2 departments in between. Quality Assurance Program with other departments will start soon after gaining some experience.
A Workshop will be on 25 Orientation of Self-Assessment of Program Offering Entity This workshop will cover four Departments: BBA, EEE, English & Env. Sci. Each Department needs to form a Self- Assessment (SA) committee comprising of three members Next Immediate Activity
26 The New Act…. Government of Bangladesh is going to enact Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of Bangladesh Act (QAACB) for accreditation after examining and assessing academic programs or institutions providing higher education in Bangladesh.