1 Senior Information Shippensburg Area Senior High School
2 Introduction Mr. Lindenmuth – counselor for grade 9 and career tech students Mrs. Frontino – counselor for grades last names A-K Mrs. Dubbs – counselor for grades last names L-Z last names back
3 Planning for your future Visit the guidance office Not sure what you want to do, take an interest inventory on Bridges.com or Collegeboard.org to find where your interests are Be prepared/organized Check HOMELINK/Sungard for your grades & credits…Important when applying to schools, locating a job or enlisting in the Military back
4 Searching for a College Make sure to read information on the school(s) of your choice VISIT the college(s)/school(s) you have an interest in-----very important to do this! Visit college websites – Talk to students who attend college of interest Location of school -- urban, suburban, rural Distance from home Size ---check out student population and class size Extracurricular sports/activities Facilities Retention & Graduation Rates Back
5 Applying to a College Application Process Paper vs. Online
Applying On-Line Preferred by colleges Simply do a search for interested college Create a file/account with college to complete application on different sessions Must use credit card to pay application fee Report to Guidance when you have sent application on line 6
7 Necessary Documents for admissions applications oApplication for admission oOfficial test scores (SAT/ACT) oOfficial high school transcript oOfficial college transcripts (for transferring college credit) oApplication fee Go to 10
8 Additional requirements that you may need to complete or include with the application: o Essays (may be a critical application component) o Letters of Recommendation
9 Essay Tips Remember your audience Don’t make it too long, stay on topic Make your essay stand out from the several other thousand they will read Have someone proofread your essay (English teacher)
10 Recommendations Forms—use form within application or generic form given to you Make sure to give the person(s) at least a two week notice for completion You should choose a teacher or other person whom is VERY familiar with you academically and personally ** Make sure to give the guidance office a copy of your letter of rec. & also keep several copies for yourself.
11 Activity Sheet Include an activity sheet (format provided to you) General information (name, address, telephone#, address) Career field Work experience 9 th -12 th grade information (academic, personal, volunteer, extracurricular, etc) **Make sure to give a copy of your completed activity sheet to the guidance office for your file
12 Avoid making mistakes… Check deadline dates Neatness counts Have your parents review your application and sign appropriately Include all necessary documentation Have a teacher review your essay
13 Financial Aid FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Scholarships Grants Loans Smart Borrowing Seminar for seniors only: Tuesday, September 23 rd at 1:00pm in the auditorium Also, there will be a College Night program held this same evening in the auditorium at 6:30pm. Parent Financial Aid Night: Thursday, November 13 th at 6:30 pm in the auditorium back
14 Scholarships Visit the guidance office for available scholarships View Scholarship listing on District Website: High school, Student Services, Scholarships… Search the web for scholarships Available In December: The Common Application Scholarship form for local scholarships back
College Rep. Visits Various colleges and universities will be visiting the Guidance Office. These Admission personnel are here to answer your questions. Please review the calendar in Guidance on when your college or University is scheduled to visit. Fee waivers for applications are often provided if you speak with these representatives.
Parchment Need a Transcript for your College Application? Register with Parchment, an electronic transcript service. Click on the High School’s Guidance Tab on our District’s Website, and click on the PARCHMENT Icon. Parchment will also need your personal address
Penn State Mont Alto Any senior who is interested in attending Penn State Mont Alto, please report to Room 24 on Tuesday, September 16 th during FLEX. Guidance will be in there helping you to create a My Penn State Profile. Then on Monday, September 29 th during Flex you can report to Room 24 during Flex to complete your application with an admissions counselor from PSU. If you attend this workshop, your application fee will be waived.
PSAT---Seniors Think About it? Free opportunity for any Senior who has not chosen to previously take the PSAT Great SAT preparation Strengthen your skills in Reading, Writing and Math Super Career Tools to use/College QuickStart TEST—Wed. Oct 15th 18