TODAY’S GOALS Introduce you to RHS Share information to help you be successful Show how you can have Freedom Opportunity Self Respect
COUNSELING CENTER Steven Crane A - KVikki Vice L- Z
COUNSELING CENTER RHS Counselors provide 1. Academic Support 2. Personal-Social Development 3. Career Exploration
EDUCATION Did you know
NEW EXPECTATIONS Grades and credits matter! Missing school has a serious impact on your grade. You are treated as a young adult who is responsible for your actions and decisions. Students are expected to seek help and academic support when necessary. Ask for what you need.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS RHS CREDITS English 4.0 Math 3.0 Science 3.0 Social Studies 3.5 Health / Fitness 2.0 Fine Arts 1.0 Career & Technical 1.0 Pathways 1.0 Electives 4.0 Total = 22.5 STATE EXAMS Reading & Writing (HSPE) Biology End-of-Couse (EOC) Algebra & Geometry (EOC) HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND PLAN CULMINATING PROJECT WASHINGTON STATE HISTORY
HIGH SCHOOL & BEYOND PLAN The High School and Beyond Plan gets all students thinking about their future and how to get the most out of high school, so that they’re ready to pursue their adult lives, no matter what direction they plan to take. Students write their plan in Pathways and then continue to revise it throughout high school to accommodate changing interests or goals. Students should be encouraged to include the following elements in their plan: Their personal story – what experiences, interests and goals are shaping who they are now and who they want to become Career path and research Their goals for high school – what their four years of high school look like, including classes, extracurricular activities, sports, a job, etc. Their goals for immediately after high school – a student’s plan should include the classes needed in preparation for a 2- to 4-year college, vocational or technical school, certificate program or the workforce
CULMINATING PROJECT As part of the Culminating Project, each student will demonstrate essential skills through reading, writing, speaking, production and/or performance. To complete the project, students are required to work on their project outside of school, write a research paper, and present to a community and peer panel. The CP is facilitated by their Pathways advisor.
Dentist$146,920 Bachelors Degree & Dental School Dental Hygienist $68,525 2yr program / Associates Degree Dental Assistant $33,470 Dental Assisting Program Dept. of Labor, 2010
RUNNING START Running Start allows 11 th and 12 th grade students to take college courses at Washington’s community and technical colleges. Students earn BOTH high school and college credits. Running Start students do not pay tuition for up to 15 college credits.
NEW MARKET New Market prepares 11 th and 12 th grade students to enter the workforce through industry standard certifications and/or entering college or apprenticeship. Students earn BOTH high school and college credits.
HOW TO INCREASE SUCCESS More independence Choosing classes Choosing career path Choosing what to do after high school Personal Choices- peers, work habits, etc. Extracurricular and Volunteer Opportunities – Get plugged in! Special After School Events FREEDOM
HOW TO INCREASE SUCCESS Clubs (leadership, conferences) Sports Music/Choir/Drama Honors & AP Classes Tech Prep classes Running Start New Market Skills Center Prepare yourself for: Two-year college, Four-year University, Military, Apprenticeship, Workforce OPPORTUNITY
HOW TO INCREASE SUCCESS Good choices can lead to respect … SELF RESPECT
HOW TO INCREASE SUCCESS Good choices can lead to respect and... a feeling of accomplishment self confidence resilience a job a diploma academic honors awards monetary rewards etc. SELF RESPECT
THE THREE P’s OF SUCCESS I.Be Present! (Mentally & Physically, every day.) II.Be Prepared! (Do your homework, study for quizzes/tests, & be ready to learn when the bell rings.) III.Be Productive! (Work hard in class, at home, and know how to get help when you need it.)
MISSION STATEMENT - Rochester High School “To prepare skilled learners and productive citizens by insisting on student success.”
THANK YOU! Come by and see your counselor for all your academic, personal, and career related questions.