Board of Trustees - Reviewed and prioritized the needs from previous MISD facility assessment and programmatic changes in curricular and extracurricular areas Community Advisory Committee - Represented the community in the bond planning process District Administration – Served in advisory (non-voting) role to Board and CAC
Needs Assessment Projects from 2007 study not addressed in 2008 bond Current needs due to age, wear and tear Transportation No recent bus purchases due to state budget cuts Decision not to stagger school start times Reduce average age of buses Needs for trip and special education buses Student Enrollment Growth & Participation 2008 MHS expansion was primarily classroom space Extracurricular & Fine Arts participation increases Timing due to Current Economic & Financial Climate Debt situation - low interest rates, early payoff Chapter 41 district “Robin Hood” Fine Arts 50% MHS 73% MMS Athletics 40% MHS 57% MMS
Total Maintenance $ 501,300 $ 489,500 $ 1,411,812 $ 544,000 $ 2,109,422 $ 5,056,034 Transportation 695,000 $ 3,475,000 Technology* 790,000 1,220, , ,000 $ 3,510,000 Fine Arts 405,000 60,000 $ 645,000 Athletics 21, ,000 $ 274,000 $ 2,412,300 $ 2,717,500 $ 2,866,812 $ 1,699,000 $ 3,264,422 $ 12,960,034 Average annual budget impact: $ 2,592,007 *Technology includes calculation of additional cost to replace 3,200 computers on a 4-5 year rotation over the annual cost to maintain VDI.
Additional demographic study information is available at
MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS (AKA M&O) $1.04 For salaries For furniture and supplies For utilities, gas, food INTEREST & SINKING (AKA DEBT SERVICE; I&S) $0.28 Used to pay off debt Not subject to Chapter 41 Cannot be used for salaries
RankingDistrictM&O Rate I&S RateTotal Tax Rate Outstanding ($)Final Maturity Date Belton Frisco Lake Travis Waco College Station ,184,996 1,363,613, ,575, ,980, ,430, Midway ,259, Corsicana Temple Marble Falls ,248,746 94,567,836 71,274,
*These districts have called for May 2013 bond elections with the published rate above. All districts' official tax rates are set in August.
$0.28 I&S = $560 per year ($47 per month) $0.25 I&S = $500 per year ($42 per month) $60 savings per year = $5 savings per month
$34,500,000 – Technology, Transportation, Fine Arts & Athletics (PROPOSED) $75,800,000 Build Castleman Creek Elem; River Valley Intermediate; Renovate Panther Stadium; Build Admin Building; Renovate Support Services; Renovate old admin for Alternative Campus & Ag Barn $51,000,000 - Build MHS; Woodway Elem 1999 $15,000,000 - Build Midway Intermediate (Woodgate); PAC addition 1992 $7,350,000 - Build South Bosque Elem; other improvements 1988 $6,500,000 - Build Spring Valley Elem; HS improvements 1984 $3,500,000 - Build Hewitt Elem; 19 HS classrooms 1977 $3,400,000 - New HS (current MMS) & PE building 1974 $1,000,000 - new elementary school (FAILED) 1973 – July & Sept $250,000 – HS & jr high renovations 1971 $575,000 - Add A/C to buildings & jr high additions 1968 $185,000 - Four elem classrooms & HS vocational rooms 1965 $325,000 - Added HS gym, band hall, cafeteria & classrooms 1962 $225,000 - Build high school 1961 $60,000 - Add HS classrooms & cafeteria 1960 $70,000 - Add elem classrooms 1958 $85,000 - Build first elem school 1956 $150,000 - Build first Midway ISD school 1950 MISD Bond History
2013 Bond Projects Maintenance HVAC, Boilers & Energy Roofing Flooring & Halls Windows & Doors Parking & Canopies Renovations Transportation Regular Route Buses Special Education Buses Trip Buses Vehicles Technology 1-t0-1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage & Equipment Fine Arts & Extracurriculars Equipment Facilities
Maintenance HVAC, Boilers & Energy Roofing Flooring & Halls Windows & Doors Parking Canopies Renovations Transportation Regular Route Buses Special Education Buses Trip Buses Vehicles Technology 1-t0-1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage & Equipment Fine Arts & Extracurriculars Equipment Facilities Maintenance $4,494, Bond Projects
Maintenance HVAC, Boilers & Energy Roofing Flooring & Halls Windows & Doors Parking & Canopies Renovations Transportation Regular Route Buses Special Education Buses Trip Buses Vehicles Technology 1-t0-1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage & Equipment Fine Arts & Extracurriculars Equipment Facilities Transportation $3,014, Bond Projects
Maintenance HVAC, Boilers & Energy Roofing Flooring & Halls Windows & Doors Parking & Canopies Renovations Transportation Regular Route Buses Special Education Buses Trip Buses Vehicles Technology 1-t0-1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage & Equipment Fine Arts & Extracurriculars Equipment Facilities Technology $10,383, Bond Projects
Maintenance HVAC, Boilers & Energy Roofing Flooring & Halls Windows & Doors Parking & Canopies Renovations Transportation Regular Route Buses Special Education Buses Trip Buses Vehicles Technology 1-t0-1 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Storage & Equipment Fine Arts & Extracurriculars Equipment Facilities & Storage Extracurricular Expansion $16,600,605
Maintenance$4,494,807 Transportation$3,014,000 Technology$10,383,789 Fine Arts & Extracurriculars$16,600,605 TOTAL$34,493,201
Total of proposed bond is $34,493,201 Voter registration deadline is April 11 Early voting is weekdays April 29 – May 3 Election day is Saturday, May 11 Polling places include City of Hewitt and City of Woodway Schedule of temporary rotating polling places & evening hours at