GWP Programme Subcommittee Meeting Notes 25 November 2013 Steering Committee Meeting Dakar, Senegal 25-28 November 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

GWP Programme Subcommittee Meeting Notes 25 November 2013 Steering Committee Meeting Dakar, Senegal November 2013

Programme Sub-Committee Meeting 25 November: 1. Attendance, chair and agenda Members present: –Alice Bouman-Dentener –Judy Daniel, Regional GWP Chair of Chairs –Eugene Stakhiv, re-confirmed as Chair –Khin Ni Ni Thein –Mohamed Ait Kadi, Chair, GWP Technical Committee –John Metzger, Head of Network Operations, Secretary Regrets: –Lučka Kajfez Bogataj –Surya Nath Upadhyay Draft agenda accepted 2

3 Reviewed May 2013 Report of PrSC. Discussed approach to 1) assessing the current Strategy, and 2) GWP post Rio+20 IWRM assessment PrSC recommends that the ToR for the internal Strategy Assessment to be carried out in early 2014 be amended to include selections of one good example from each region (if possible) of IWRM implementation outcomes to be presented as case studies appended to the assessment. The case studies would be presented according to a common template. Presentation of these case studies would be concurrent with the draft Strategy Assessment at the next SC meeting – May PrSC agrees that no action to be taken at this time for the in-depth assessments of GWP performance and value for money through the results/knowledge chain recognizing that an assessment of knowledge chain will be conducted. 2. Review of Previous Commitments - PrSC Report

3. GWP Programme Management PrSC reviewed 1.GWP Programme Management Manual, and 2.GWP Global and Thematic Programmes and Projects Management Manual Appreciate that GWPO has put in place work programme management processes and systems to manage human and financial resources 4

4. Annual Progress Review Annual Workplan year Work Programme – These documents/reports were presented and discussed, with the following suggestions and recommendations: 5

Discussion of key issues Noted that 2014 is a unique year for funding and implementing many programmes/projects underway (notably under the WACDEP), under complex circumstances – key question of PrSC was whether adequate resources were available for FY 2014, and whether these efforts were given the priority and attention that they deserved Risks are relatively high. Expectations are also very high. –Credibility of GWP is at stake if programmes/projects are not implemented successfully (quality products; on time and within budget allocations) –Needs to be a good balance between core programmatic activities and global/extracurricular programmes. 6

Suggestions/Recommendations PrSC recognizes that extracurricular (designated) programmes provide important and practical opportunities for capacity building – integrating IWRM principles, which are the foundation for climate adaptations Question: are the resources (human and financial) adequate for the tasks at hand? CWPs are the heart of the GWP network, and many require special attention and assistance towards reaching the ultimate goal of being self- sustaining CWPs do not appear to receive adequate financial support to enable them to function optimally. Proposal: earmark funds for CWPs in a sustainable manner – e.g. through funding projects that meet required criteria, and for capacity-building so the CWPs are able to gain experience and develop funding proposals and successfully manage project activities In presentation of partners and institutions represented (ref. pie-charts) proposed there should be a further break-down of the NGO category to describe those from 1) civil society, 2) professional NGOs, etc. 7

Suggestions/Recommendations We note that only 3 of the 6 major thematic areas have projected funding in 2014 (and as noted in the 3 year Work Programmes) These 3 themes are part of the GWP core IWRM mission: 1.Water and Energy 2.Water and Ecosystems 3.Water and Food Security These thematic areas need to be given higher salience – as this is the future of GWP/IWRM and are the essential core of poverty reduction programs and the new water security SDG PrSC cannot readily discern GWP priorities for future strategy, especially within a rosy budget scenario? –Need to specify within max/expected/min budgets – providing a realistic assessment of GWP priority themes and sustaining network. 8