SCHOOL NO. 22 MIRCEA ELIADE DOCENDO DISCIMUS! School Motto Craiova, Romania By teaching, we learn!
SCHOOL HISTORY School No. 22 is built in Craiova, at 1 Closca Street, where there used to be the town’s Weekly Fair The opening ceremony is held on September, 1. For the next fifteen years the school has the status of educational institution for school practice for the former Pedagogic Institute The school is named in honor of Mircea Eliade, a distinguished Romanian writer and scientist – 2004 Under the World Bank-funded Rehabilitation Project, the school receives a major renovation The school celebrates its 46th anniversary on March 24.
SCHOOL MISSION The school mission relies on three fundamental values: the individual, the society and the environment. Understanding individuals’ capacity for physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual development, our school aims to : - develop students’ capacity for self-knowledge and self-respect; - help students better understand and clearly make the difference between what they would like to do and what they could do with their life; - teach students how to properly use their aptitudes, talent, rights and opportunities; - make students willing to study and understand the world they live in; - encourage students to assume responsibility considering their capacities, to learn how to be in good health both physically and mentally; - teach students how to better show others the amount of respect that they deserve, regardless of their age, sex, nationality or social origin; - make students show appreciation to others and practise acceptance and willingness; - teach students how to be tolerant.
Understanding society as a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members, our school aims to: SCHOOL MISSION - raise awareness of issues concerning citizenship responsibilities; - provide students with the opportunity to perfectly understand the significant role a family plays; - instil in students a respect for cultural and religious diversity; - provide the necessary educational background regarding equality of chances and democratic rights so that students could thoroughly understand, respect, benefit and promote them within society; - enhance education about the economic and cultural resources so that students could fairly contribute and benefit of them in everyday life.
SCHOOL MISSION Nowadays there is a growing appreciation of the need for environmental reforms. Understanding that healthy environment means healthy generations, our school aims to: - empower students to respect biodiversity; - challenge students to properly understand, protect and maintain the natural biological patrimony taking into consideration the sustainable development of the human society; - encourage students to live in a healthy environment. 22
UNIQUE POINTS - The high reputation and respect our school has earned, based on our impressive achievements within the last twenty years; - Teaching and Learning are the top priority; Over the past 10 years nearly 80% of our graduate students have entered the top three public colleges in Craiova; - In-service teacher education programmes; - Knowledgeable and committed teachers; - A dynamic and challenging learning climate; - High-quality educational materials and facilities; - Exceptionally intensive and comprehensive English programmes; - Well-established local, national and international partnerships to provide extracurricular programmes to better meet students’ needs; - Focus on differentiated instruction, integration of students with disabilities into a regular education environment, promotion of equality of chances and values; - Excellent library resources and facility to support learning; - A close home-school partnership developed through shared philosophy, expertise, and an ethical perspective.
MIRCEA ELIADE was a distinguished historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher, and professor at the University of Chicago. (1954) Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return (1958a) Yoga, Immortality and Freedom (1958b) Rites and Symbols of Initiation ( Birth and Rebirth ), (1958c) Patterns in Comparative Religion (1959) The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion, (1960) Myths, Dreams and Mysteries: the Encounter between Contemporary Faiths and Archaic Realities (1961) Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism (1963) Myth and Reality (1964) Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (1965) The Two and the One (1969) The Quest: History and Meaning in Religion (1978) A History of Religious Ideas, vol. I, From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries, (1982) A History of Religious Ideas, vol. II, From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity (1985) The History of Religious Ideas, vol. III, From Muhammad to the Age of the Reforms (1987) Encyclopedia of Religion