Social Capital Social Networks Have Value Social Capital Is The Collective Value Of All Social Networks (Who You Know) And The Inclinations That Arise From These Networks To Do Things For Each Other (“Norms Of Reciprocity”) Least Tangible And Least Individualistic Form Of Capital
INFORMATION CHANNELS.. information flows depend on social networks OBLIGATIONS AND EXPECTATIONS.. norms of reciprocity depend on social networks Bonding Networks and Bridging Networks NORMS AND EFFECTIVE SANCTIONS.. adherence to behavioral norms depends on social networks
Intergenerational Closure No Intergenerational Closure
STRUCTURA L Deficiency FUNCTIONA L Deficiency
Social Capital Queries How Might A Family’s High Social Capital Counteract Its Low Human Capital? What Would A Structural School Deficiency Look Like? What Would A Functional School Deficiency Look Like? Social Capital Concepts Social Capital Information Channels Obligations and Expectations Norms Of Reciprocity Intergenerational Closure Functional Deficiency Structural Deficiency
Impact Of Neighborhood Schools ? Catholic And Parochial Schools Lower Dropout Rates Higher Academic Growth Higher Verbal Growth Greater Extracurricular Involvement Greater Propensity For College Attendance Closed (Bonding) Social Networks For Students “Norm-Enforcing Communities”
Open (Bridging) Social Networks For Students “Horizon-Expanding Communities” Impact Of Desegregation & Busing ? Higher Creativity Higher Intellectual Autonomy Higher Mathematical Skills Public Schools