Welcome to Fall Creek Valley Middle School
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Distinctive Characteristics of a Middle School Teams Elective Courses Unified Arts Semester Classes
Middle School – a school in the Middle Elementary 20 – 25 Students - Same Teacher - Mr. Smith’s Class High Middle Many Students - Individual schedule decides teachers Group of 150 Students - Same Group of 4 Teachers - Team
Teams At Fall Creek Valley Science Teacher English Teacher 6 th Grade – Reading & Lang. Arts Math Teacher Social Studies Teacher
6 th Grade Teams At FCV Team 6-1 – Team Leader- Mrs. Nierman Team 6-2 – Team Leader – Mrs. Russick Team 6-3 – Team Leader – Mrs. Scott You will find out your child’s team during registration in August.
Your Child’s Schedule At Fall Creek Valley Bus Drop off at 7:35 AM If you eat Breakfast you can leave bus before 7:35 AM School begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 2:45 PM 5 Core Subjects – with Team Teachers Language Arts Reading Math Science Social Studies 2 One Semester Unified Arts Rotation Classes 1 Elective Lunch
Rotation Class and Electives Rotation Art Technology Education General Music Family and Consumer Science World Drumming Electives Spanish (Forest Glen Global ONLY) Orchestra Band Choir Study Hall World Cultures
S. T. A. R. Expectations – Be S afe – Be T olerant – Be A ccountable – Be R espectful
HALLWAY EXPECTATIONS - Be a STAR S afe: Walk on Right Hands/Feet/objects to self T olerant: Use school appropriate language Accept individual differences A ccountable: Attend class on-time Follow the Dress Code Keep hallways clean (use trash cans) Have a pass to be in the hallway during class time R espectful: Level 2 voice (conversational) Follow the 4-step procedure Respect the property of others
Be a Leader Show STAR qualities
Expectations for Effective Communications Return all and/or Voic from Parents within 24 hours Send list serve message at least once per week Update Web grades at least once every 2-weeks
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mrs. Curry Assistant Principal
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Bearcat Council Bearcat Morning New Jazz Band Drill Team Academic PursuitHeritage Day Builder’s ClubClub Six IntramuralsTalent Show Chess ClubYearbook Student Newspaper
Recognition Programs Academic Achievement Honor Roll Regular High honor roll Honors with distinction Team Celebrations STAR Bucks Perfect Attendance Character Education
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mr. Valadez Assistant Principal
Lunch Procedures at Fall Creek Valley More Ala-carte choices & Chili Cows available. Leave money on account- best if before 7:45 am. You choose your seat Lunch is a class period – You MUST be on time. Once in cafeteria you may only leave with a written pass. We expect you to behave and clean up after yourself.
How do I show respect to any adult when I am being addressed 4-Step process for showing respect Stop and turn and Look towards the adult Be humble Listen : let the adult speak first If needed: May I explain? May I ask a question?
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mr. Phelps Athletic Director
Fall Creek Valley Athletics BoysGirls Fall:Cross Country (6-8) Cross Country (6-8) Football (7-8) Volleyball (7-8) Tennis (6-8) Tennis (6-8) Cheerleaders (7-8) Winter: Basketball (7-8) Basketball (7-8) Wrestling (6-8) Cheerleaders (7-8) Spring: Track (6-8) Track (6-8) Baseball (7-8) Softball (7-8)
Things to remember to be prepared to participate in Athletics at FCV Activity Bus for ride home Tuesday – 4:20 pm; Wednesday – 5:20 pm, Thursday - 5:20pm For other times – parents must provide transportation. You must attend practice everyday Physical form on file in Athletic office. 1 per school year; after May 1 st of previous school year Parents – please sign up for Bearcat Athletics List serve
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mrs. Payne-Shearer 6 th Grade Guidance Counselor
What does a Guidance Counselor Do? Assists you with problem solving Schedules your classes Can guide you in selecting extra curricular activities Periodically offer small group or classroom activities Offers support to you and your parents Can answer almost any question you have about middle school
What do you/your child need to do to prepare for 6 th Grade ? Read your Fall Creek “Transitions” newsletter-this will be sent home with students in May Pay attention and ask questions during your visit to Fall Creek Valley Take home any information you receive to your parents Talk to your parent/guardian about what elective class you plan to take next year. Fill out and return your elective selection sheet to your elementary school teacher by April 17, 2009.
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mrs. Dobie Market Day
Welcome To Our New 6 th Grade Parents Mrs. Hoffman PFO Co-President
Bearcat PRIDE