The Ninth Commandment Practice Purity of Heart USCCA Chapter 33 Saturday, April 18, 2015Saturday, April 18, 2015Saturday, April 18, 2015Saturday, April 18, 2015
Session 6: The Ninth Commandment April 18, 2015April 18, 2015April 18, The Ninth Commandment calls us for a purity of heart with regards to our sexuality. a.While Baptism purifies us from sin, there remains in us concupiscence, that is, a tendency or desire to sin. b.Concupiscence is kept in check by constantly examining our motives and our deeds.
Session 6: The Ninth Commandment April 18, 2015April 18, 2015April 18, The Ninth Commandment calls us for a purity of heart with regards to our sexuality. c.Purity is obtained by asking God for it through prayer.
Session 6: The Ninth Commandment April 18, 2015April 18, 2015April 18, Modesty is a virtue that directs our dress, speech, and actions to purity. a.Modesty flows out of the virtues of temperance, chastity and self-control. b.Modesty helps us see the unique connection between marriage and sexual behavior, helping us to respect the boundaries of intimacy.
Session 6: The Ninth Commandment April 18, 2015April 18, 2015April 18, Modesty is a virtue that directs our dress, speech, and actions to purity. c.Modesty is supported by family and friends.
Session 6: The Ninth Commandment April 18, 2015April 18, 2015April 18, 2015 For Discussion: 1.Read the excerpt from John Paul II’s ‘Novo Millennio Ineunte’ on p of the USCCA. What does this passage reveal about his expectations and value he had for youth?