Henry Ford An Inventor, an Engineer, and the Founding Father of the Ford Motor Company.
ÜBorn July 30, 1863 near Dearborn, MI ÜDied 1947 ÜFounding Father of the Automobile?
The Wonderous Child ÜTinkered with the farm tools and repaired watches as a side job ÜProved the power of steam with a tea kettle ÜFirst idea of a powered carriage from a local person that mounted a steam engine on wheels
Henry Ford’s Beginning ÜFirst major job ÜDetroit Edison Illumination Company (1891) ÜDevelopment of Ford’s first automobile ÜEdsel is born (1893) ÜFord’s only child
The Quadricycle ÜCompleted 1896 ÜCreated in a shop behind his house ÜInspired Ford to create more vehicles
Quadricycle Specifications ÜTiller steering ÜGasoline powered engine Ü2 cylinder, 4 cycle Ü2 speed transmission, no reverse ÜSteel frame Ü500 lbs. ÜTop speed, 20 mph Ü3 gallon capacity gas tank
The Beginning of the Company ÜLeft Detroit Edison Illumination Company ÜTo build cars Ü11 investors totaling $28,000 ÜFirst factory was the closed down Detroit Wagon Factory ÜFaced bankruptcy after one month of operation
The First Ford Motor Company Factory
The Beginning of the Company ÜFirst car sold to a Chicago Dentist ÜPfenning ÜModel A, most successful of the first cars Ü1,700 Model A’s produced in 15 months ÜExpansion into Canada at the end of the first year of operation
The Model T ÜIntroduced 1908 ÜThe ninth model to be produced by Ford ÜAchieved Ford’s dream of a reliable, efficient, easy to operate and maintain, handled well, and reasonably priced
The Assembly Line ÜIntroduced 1913 ÜFirst test run - assembly of transmissions ÜAttributes ÜBrought the car to the workers ÜLess specialized workers needed ÜHigher worker turnover rate ÜRepetitive action for workers
Benefits attributable to the Model T ÜBegins construction of industrial facility on the Rouge River in Dearborn (1917)
Benefits attributable to the Model T ÜPopularity of Ford enticed him to run for the U.S. senate but loses the bid
The End of a Legend ÜThe Model T is discontinued (1927) Ü15,007,033 units produced, world record ÜOnly beaten by the Volkswagen Beetle ÜThe Beetle took twice as long to produce the same amount of cars
The Model A ÜFord shut down all factories for six months to retool for new production ÜSix month shut down remarkable for it’s time, almost every piece was changed ÜNicknamed the “Baby Lincoln” since it resemble the Lincoln ÜNamed from the successful 1903 Model A
The Later Years of Henry Ford Ü Production of the first successful V8 Ü1930’s (late) - Edsel becomes President Ü Edsel dedicates factories to the WWII wartime production effort Ü Death of Edsel Ü Death of Henry Ford
Complementary Items The Traffic Signal
Complementary Items Storm Apron