Main project Calls How to Apply Seminar 29th February 2012 – Copenhagen Christopher Parker
Available Funding for Strategic and Main Projects The available funding is limited after the first 8 calls, 97% of the programme funds have been allocated. Currently, out of the remaining funding 1 additional Strategic project is expected to be granted before any main projects can be approved. Depending on the quality of strategic and main project applications, a maximum of 3 main projects could be approved by the PMC
Strategic project call The NPP is looking for 1 additional strategic projects within the following three themes: Priority 1 Renewable energy solutions adapted for remote areas and to the scale of sparsely populated areas Responding to climatic change in the Northern Periphery Project applicants have to be aware that their proposal must cover all the expectations outlined in the relevant Terms of Reference. Time period The maximum project period is 2 years, ending no later than 30th September 2014.
Strategic project call Strategic projects are expected to demonstrate their strategic capacity by presenting high standards regarding the following attributes: Have a relevance to the identified strategic topic. Be relevant for the whole of Northern Periphery area and where possible demonstrate activities that will take place in and be available to all regions. Have a focus on objectives, proposed activities and intended activities that lead to the development of existing and new products and/or services. The products and/or services need to clearly demonstrate an influence on local, regional, national and EU policies.
Strategic project call The products and/or services are expected to be viable after project closure. The products and/or services created should be “open sourced”. Display a good vertical representation of stakeholders, end beneficiaries, intermediary bodies and different administrative levels of governance in the project partnership. Taking into account the results of existing approved NPP projects while distinguishing itself in terms of “added of the implemented actions and a broad scope of the partnership.
Strategic project funding A Strategic Project partnership is recommended to apply for as much funding as they need to realise their proposal, but not more than 2 MEUR. Due to the limited available Member State funding, the Programme Monitoring Committee has agreed to limit the total budget for Member State partners in strategic projects to 1.2 MEUR per project (ERDF EUR). Strategic projects can apply for an intervention rate of up to 75% for Member States partners and partners granted from the Faroese funding source. For all other Non Member States partners (Iceland, Greenland, Norway) an intervention rate of up to 50% applies, and The same intervention rate applies for Member State partners from outside the NPP area using the 20% funding source and Non member States partners using the 10% funding source.
Strategic project funding The available funding is limited after the first 8 calls, 97% of the programme funds have been allocated. Currently, out of the remaining funding 1 additional Strategic project is expected to be granted before any main projects can be approved. Depending on the quality of strategic and main project applications, a maximum of 3 main projects could be approved by the PMC
Ninth call for main projects In preparation for the Ninth Call the PMC agreed to the definition of products and services has widened and alternative wording has been provided for a number of themes to facilitate a better understanding. Producing a new product or service that has a transnational or trans-regional character. Transfer and adaptation of existing products and services from one region into transnational or trans-regional solutions Update and adaptation of existing transnational or trans-regional products and services with additional features Call Opened: 16th of January 2012 Call Closes: 2nd of May 2012
Ninth call for main projects 9th main project call targeting all themes The justification for the 9 th which is and “open” call for main projects, is based on the potential level of reallocations of ERDF from completed projects. This has given the PMC an opportunity to maximise the use of available ERDF and ERDF equivalent funds. It is also viewed that most themes are well covered and contributions to the realisation of the NPP vision will be strong. The main projects proposals should be able to receive the remaining funding, no matter what thematic field they are addressing. In addition, the PMC especially welcomes project proposals addressing: Maritime safety in relation to remote areas with arctic, harsh conditions
Ninth call for main projects 9th call has these terms of reference:- The PMC expects all applicants to outline project ideas that are focusing on activities facilitating economic benefit, which could be measured by demonstrating the expected “pay off time” of the NPP investment, or the expected increase in turn over or similar. In addition, the PMC expects a strong focus on job creation both direct and indirect as a result of the project. Safeguarding of sustainable jobs will also be viewed as a strong outcome if it is clear and well demonstrated how the project's intervention will lead to business efficiency, increased competitiveness and added value to their current product and or service portfolio.
Available Funding for Main Projects In general, a 60% grant rate is applied for partners in Member States and partners granted from the Faroese funding source. An intervention rate of 50% applies for partners from Non Member States of Norway, Iceland and Greenland. For Member State partners from outside the NPP area using the 20% funding source and Non Member An indicative budget is recommended by the PMC for Member State partners is a total budget of EUR or EUR ERDF. Project period Applicants should note that the maximum time period for a main project is set to 2 years, with a last end date on 30th of September 2014.
Next Steps A Main and Strategic Project Development Clinic was be held for project applicants on February 28 th, 2012 in Copenhagen On 29th February 2012, a “How to apply” seminar for strategic and main project applicants will be held in Copenhagen. Preparatory project call supporting main and strategic project development ends March 31, 2012 The deadline of the Call for Main and Strategic Projects 2 nd of May 2012.
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