Adolescent Sexual Behavior Melissa A. Thomas Adolescent Risk Taking (Psych 4900) Weber State University
INTRODUCTION Oral Sex Among Adolescents Oral sex plays an important role in the sexual lives of adolescents One in five adolescents does not know that STD transmission can occur through oral sex Seen as a form of pregnancy prevention Motivations For Sex What motivates adolescents to have sex Perceived benefits of sexual activity The pressures that adolescents feel. Decisions regarding sexual activity Three in five adolescents say that while delaying sex “may be a nice idea, nobody really does.” Partner’s Reputation Past sexual history
Halpern-Felsher, Cornell, Kropp and Tschann (2005) Oral Versus Vaginal Sex Among Adolescents: Perceptions, Attitudes and Behavior 580 ethnically diverse ninth-graders participated Self-administered questionnaires Investigated attitudes towards oral and vaginal sex Adolescents believe that oral sex is more acceptable than vaginal sex Perceived fewer health, social and emotional risks for oral sex compared with vaginal sex Statistics show that a greater number of adolescents engage in oral sex than vaginal sex and at a younger age
Ott, Millstein, Ofner and Halpern-Felsher (2006) Adolescents’ Positive Motivations for sex 637 ethnically diverse ninth-graders participated Self administered survey Asked about their relationship goals, and to what extent sex would satisfy these goals Adolescents view intimacy, sexual pleasure and social status as important relationship goals These relationship goals differed by gender and sexual experience Females valued intimacy significantly more and sexual pleasure less than males
Michels, Kropp, Eyre and Halpern-Felsher (2005) How Do Adolescents Make Decisions Regarding Sexual Activity 42 mostly white ninth graders participated In depth interviews Behavioral accounts provided information about understanding and motivation Analysis revealed an overarching model of decision making process for initiating sexual activity
CONCLUSION There is much more yet to be known about sexual behavior of today’s adolescents Two-thirds of high school seniors have had sex HIV,STD and Pregnancy are still a big concern Limited to young adolescent ninth graders The first two papers used self administered questionnaires or surveys Due to the sensitive nature of the topic where the answers a true representation of the issue Would A Change In Prevention Programs Decrease STD/HIV and Pregnancy? Programs should address the risks of sexual activity in regard to what motivates sexual activity, the decision making process and broaden their material to include education about other forms of sex such as oral sex
REFERENCES Halpern-Felsher, Cornell, Kropp and Tschann (2005) Oral Versus Vaginal Sex Among Adolescents: Perceptions, Attitudes and Behavior. Pediatrics, 115, Ott, Millstein, Ofner and Halpern-Felsher (2006) Greater Expectations: Adolescents’ positive Motivations for Sex. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 38, Michels, Kropp, Eyre and Halpern-Felsher (2005) Initiating Sexual Experiences: How Do Young Adolescents Make Decisions Regarding Early Sexual Activity? Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15, Additional Information was Provided By The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation