Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga EU CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY - STATUS OF CLIMATE AFFAIRS IN MUNICIPALITIES IN ICELAND Lúðvík E. Gústafsson, Expert Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga Icelandic Association of Local Authorities Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014
OVERVIEW EU Framework for climate and energy policies Highlights NordLead project Results and recommendations Climate change policy in Icelandic municipalities Example City of Reykjavík NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014
STATE OF AFFAIRS IN THE EU REGARDING CLIMATE AND ENERGY NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Current 2020 targets call for are a greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 20% compared to 1990 levels, renewable energy share of 20% and an increase in energy efficiency by 20%. In 2012 greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 18%, renewable share was at 14,1% and energy efficiency at 12,1%
EU FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE AND ENERGY POLICIES NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Main NEW Targets: 40% greenhouse gas emissions reduction and 27% renewable energy share by In order to achieve these targets: ETS sector would have to deliver a reduction of 43% in GHG emissions in 2030 and the Non-ETS sector would have to deliver a reduction of 30%, both compared to 2005.
EU FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE AND ENERGY POLICIES NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Targets call for Energy efficiency increased level of energy savings of approximately 25% in 2030 Reform of the ETS
NORDLEAD PROJECT NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Conducted as a web survey between October 2011 and February 2012 Identifying and analysing the success factors and need for support in Nordic municipalities in their climate change response 29 out of then 75 Icelandic municipalities responded (39%). 3 of them reported to have a climate strategy implemented or were in the process of implementing
NORDLEAD PROJECT Success factors in local climate work Political leadership and engaged management Challenges Lack of political interest and priorities NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014
NORDLEAD PROJECT NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 As main response, applying to all countries involved in the survey: State level economic incentives for implementing climate change measures (70% of all municipalities surveyed) Results of the NordLead survey for Iceland: More guidance needed in Iceland to act on climate change, especially in small municipalities who have restricted expertise and resources
SITUATION IN ICELAND NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Action Plan on Climate Change agreed upon by Icelandic government in key actions, among them: State of Iceland and City of Reykjavík cooperate on tender for ecofuel vehicles State of Iceland supports public transport between municipalities with 1000 millj. Ikr. (~6,3 millj. €) annually from 2013 until 2022.
SITUATION IN ICELAND NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Action regarding climate change is mostly needed in the transport sector increased use of ecofuels, preferably produced in Iceland (e.g. methane) increased public transport planning and constructing bike lanes
CLIMATE CHANGE AND MUNICIPALITIES NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Climate change indirectly addressed in Ólafsvík Local Agenda Declaration in the year 2000 No specific climate change action plans except in the City of Reykjavík Many municipalities today address climate change in land use plans Increased interest in promoting cycling as a means of transport
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK Action Plan „Framtíðin liggur í loftinu“ (The future is in the air) Action plan „Umhverfis- og auðlindastefna“ ( Environment and resources Programme ) Management system „Grænu skrefin“ (Green Steps) Aðalskipulag Reykjavíkur 2010 – 2030 (Land use plan 2010 – 2030) NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK From the Action Plan The future is in the air Compared to 2007 levels, overall emission of greenhouse gases is to be reduced by 35% by 2020 and overall emission of greenhouse gases is to be reduced by 73% by % of transport in 2020 will be walking and cycling During the next 20 years, public transport will double from its present level. NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 From the Environment and resources Programme: Indicators: 1.CO 2 emissions in Reykjavík from transport on land and at sea, industry, flight and fishing. 2. Percentage of renewables and non-renewables in production of hot water, electricity and transport.
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 From the Environment and resources Programme: Main emphasis put on: City of Reykjavík initiates cooperation with inhabitants, neighbouring municipalities, industry and state institutions in order to decrease GHG emissions. Increase carbon sequestration Increase education on climate change and action against negative impact of climate change Increase research on climate change Adaption to climate change as part of the overall city management, with special reference to planning in coastal areas
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 „Green steps“ or how to increase awareness on ecofriendly transport (examples): Step 1: information on public transport for newly hired work staff Step 2: public transport contract instead of use of private car contract Step 3: Encourage car-pooling among work staff Step 4: 75% of city vehicles run on ecofuel etc.
CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY IN THE CITY OF REYKJAVÍK NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 From the Land Use Plan 2010 – 2030 More ecofriendly transport All buses and vehicles of the City of Reykjavík will run on non-fossil fuel energy sources in Use of private car transport decreases from 75% in 2011 to 58% in 2030.
NINTH MEETING OF THE EEA EFTA FORUM June 2014 Thank your for your attention!