Bronco Stampede Brookwood High School’s school store will be open prior to the beginning of tonight’s meeting as well as after tonight’s meeting!
Welcome Introductions 9 th Grade Success Team
Parent Orientation Why is this necessary?
Research: "Ninth graders often struggle more than they did in middle school because they must earn passing grades for the first time, must participate in an increased number of standardized tests, and must complete more rigorous coursework than they have ever before completed, including more frequent homework assignments" (McCallumore and Sparapani, 2010).
The Power of a Zero The Wrecking Ball of Grades Sample Student with all Sample Student with same passing grades and passing grades and zeroes 2 zeroesreplaced with 50s grade average: 69/F grade average: 82/B
"...the ninth grade has the highest failure rate, highest number of absences among students, and the largest number of discipline referrals" (Donegan, 2008).
Factors that contribute to students getting off track...
Discipline Top 3 ◦ Failure to follow directions ◦ Tardy to class ◦ Inappropriate dress Consequences ◦ Lunch detention ◦ Administrative Detention ◦ Saturday School ◦ ISS ◦ OSS
Dress Code None of the following are allowed: ◦ Sagging pants, bandanas ◦ Leggings/jeggings (unless shirt goes to mid-thigh) ◦ Tops that show the stomach when arms are raised ◦ Low cut tops ◦ Tank tops ◦ Inappropriate images and language ◦ Holes in jeans above mid-thigh ◦ Shorts or skirts above mid-thigh Use agenda book to check length!
How is this data relevant to your student? 82% of students who get off track in 9 th grade do not graduate on time.
Overview What is a typical day at Brookwood? Student involvement Promotion ◦ Course Requirements Content Areas Academic support ◦ Media Center ◦ Freshman Academy Academic Intervention Home connection
A Typical Day at Brookwood Seven Periods: 52 minute classes Guided Study/Lunch ◦ Study Hall ◦ Habitudes Advisement 6 minute class change TAP Open House: Monday, September 8 th
Promotion Requirements 9 th to 10 th 5 units 10 th to 11 th 11 units 11 th to 12 th 17 units **Promotion only occurs at the conclusion of school year **Grade placement and on-track to graduate do not share the same meaning **2 units of modern/classical languages are required for university admission in the state of Georgia. Students must meet graduation rules and standardized assessment requirements as determined by state and district policies.
Graduation Requirements Subject area Units required to earn a diploma Language Arts 4 Math 4 Science 4 Social Studies 3 Health & PE 1 Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts and/or Technical Education 3 Electives 4 TOTAL UNITS REQUIRED 23
Math Expectations STAY ON TRACK! ◦ Credit recovery ◦ Summer school ◦ Trailer courses ◦ Must fulfill prerequisites before moving on Get help now if needed! ◦ After/before help from teachers Expectations: ◦ Homework ◦ Study ◦ Show work
Biology Expectations - Subject is very vocabulary intensive - Online book – IE, CD from media center - Gateway – most topics from Biology - Summative assessment – 43% -CP – 6 tests / 2 projects -Honors / Gifted – 5 tests / 2 projects - Labs - Safety Contract / appropriate behavior - Homework -Held accountable -Self motivation required
The Gifted Program Who takes gifted courses? How does Brookwood accommodate your gifted student? What are the benefits of gifted courses? ◦ Smaller (not small) class size ◦ Preparation for taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses ◦ Variety of methods/strategies What are our expectations for the gifted student? ◦ Being a self-starter ◦ Able to grasp material w/ little repetition ◦ Willing to share thoughts aloud and in writing. ◦ Capable of “switching gears” and multi-tasking
The Gifted Program Why do gifted students sometimes struggle in high school? ◦ Six classes with rigorous course demands ◦ Taking more than one gifted course ◦ Not recognizing the need to study ◦ Not really knowing how to study ◦ Time management issues ◦ PROCRASTINATION
Academic Support Freshman Academy ◦ Offered during extended lunch ◦ Beginning at the 6-week grading period Teacher Office Hours ◦ Posted on teacher’s website and eClass page Media Center ◦ Jan Wilson
Media Center Before and after-school hours Access during school day Resources available to students Certified assistance Media Center website Access through eCLASS
Academic Intervention Academic Intervention Purpose of AI: ◦ to give struggling students a quiet, structured environment during the school day to: 1. study 2. get tutoring 3. make up work 4. read assigned material
Academic Intervention Who attends AI? -Students who fail 2 or more courses during a grading period Is this a punitive measure? -Absolutely NOT How should I react if my child is assigned to attend AI? -Supportive -Encouraging -Thankful
Academic Intervention Parting Words AI = another way to support your student academically Eye on the prize = GRADUATION For more information, go the school web site: Click on Academics and Academic Intervention
Student Involvement The more involved a student is in his/her school, the more invested a student is with his/her academic work Clubs ◦ Club Recruitment: the week of September 8 th 6:45- 7:15 in F Hall Sports ◦ Eligibility: Automatically eligible for fall sports Students must pass 5 classes in the fall in order to participate in spring sports.
Home Connection Parent Portal is updated each day 6-week and 12-week progress reports ◦ Not required to be signed Student access to eClass ◦ Calendar feature ◦ Textbooks ◦ Course content
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Other Online Resources
Q and A Session For additional questions/concerns, please contact the following: AP Human Geography: Math: Biology: Language Arts or 9 th Grade Concerns: