The Week In Picture News Use mouse to advance slides Show By Cindy 2005
Trees stand silhouetted against an evening sky crossed by clouds and jet contrails near the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk on Oct. 17.
First baseman Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals watches his three-run home run fly over the outfield stands in the ninth inning of Game 5 of the National League Championship Series on Oct. 17.
This photo provided by NASA taken by the Cassini spacecraft shows Saturn's moon Dione, with Saturn looming in the distance, when this image was taken Oct. 11. The spacecraft flew within 310 miles of Dione's pale surface, showing it possessed a heavily cratered surface but no atmosphere.
Chickens peer out at a poultry farm in Belgium on Oct. 19. The European Union is calling for global cooperation to tackle the threat of bird flu, as Greece investigated the first appearance of a deadly strain of the virus in a European Union member country.
A man rows through dead fish in Lake Rei near the Amazon town of Careiro da Varzea, Brazil, on Oct. 18. A month-long drought led to the fish kill.
Tom Soar and daughter Hannah make their way across crumbled Gulf Road in Somers, Conn., on Oct. 16. Days of rain in the Northeast caused floods that buckled roads, floated houses off their foundations and forced evacuations.
A three-legged squirrel takes off after a cat got too close for comfort in Phelps, N.Y., on Oct. 13. The squirrel eventually made it up a tree safely.
Billowing smoke fills the sky as firefighters battle a warehouse fire in Detroit, Mich., on Oct. 16.
The body of a dead student lies half-buried at Shaheen school on the outskirts of Balakot, Pakistan, on Oct. 14. Pakistan formally called off rescue operations that day, five days after a devastating earthquake, but dozens of volunteers were still burrowing into the ruins of the school in this flattened northern town.
A police officer shoots tear gas to disperse demonstrators setting up a barricade of burning tires in Navarrete, some 98 miles north of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on Oct. 19. Protesters demanded that the government halt increases in gasoline prices and restructure the economy.
Triathletes from around the world swim in the 27th annual Ironman World Championship on Oct. 15 in Kona, Hawaii. Competitors took up to 17 hours to finish this grueling event, which consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.4-mile run.
A young buck appears to be leaping among wind turbines south of Dodge Center, Minn., as it runs across a harvested soybean field Oct. 15. The deer was actually more than a mile away from the giant turbines.
A mother caresses the head of her injured son in the tent city where they now live in the earthquake-devastated town of Balakot, Pakistan, on Oct. 17. The official death toll in the South Asian quake rose to 79,000.
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