SAFE SANCTUARIES Policy and Procedures for Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in the North Alabama Conference
PURPOSE AND GOALS 1. Why do we need a Safe Sanctuary Policy? We need children in our care to be safe.
2. We have a Biblical command. Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes one such child welcomes me”. Mark 9:36
If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones…,it would be better for you if a great millstone were fastened around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6
WE PROMISE… With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to eternal life. Baptismal Covenant, United Methodist Hymnal, p. 44
PURPOSE AND GOALS 3. We need to protect volunteers against false allegation of abuse and victim of legal judgment. 4. To protect the good reputation of the United Methodist Church
5. It is a General Conference Resolution ’96. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church adopted this resolution aimed at reducing the risk of child sexual abuse in the church.
Statement of Covenant Acknowledge the risks Adopt a plan Take steps to implement the plan Continue ministry to our church families
So we will..... Develop and implement an ongoing education plan for the congregation and it’s leadership to reduce the risk factors leading to child abuse. Screen, train, and annually retrain all paid, volunteer, fill-in, and chaperon workers Develop and implement safety procedures for activities Advise child/youth of agency outside the church to contact incase of abuse. Carry adequate liability insurance Develop awareness for all congregation through special curriculum or activities Have a reporting strategy Be familiar of the Annual Conference policies and laws of your state
TRAINING COMPONENTS Points covered: Child abuse defined Statistics and Rates Procedures to protect children, youth, and those who work with them. How to report accidents, incidents, or suspected abuse
Definition The National Resource Center on Child Sexual Abuse defines child sexual abuse as "any sexual activity with a child, whether in the home by a caretaker, in a day-care situation, in any organized ministry, whether at the main facility (church) or away, or in any other setting, including on the street by a person unknown to the child. The abuser may be an adult, an adolescent, or another child.
TYPES OF CHILD ABUSE Physical Sexual Emotional Neglect Ritual
Vulnerable Adults Ritual, emotional, or sexual abuse of any person over 19 years of age with physical, mental and/or developmental disabilities.
CHILD ABUSE STATISTICS 3 million cases of child abuse reported each year! 8,219 per day 343 per hour 6 per minute 1 every 10 seconds Source – national center for child abuse and neglect.
ESTIMATED RATES OF SEXUAL ABUSE By age 18: –1 in every 3 girls –1 in every 7 boys are sexually abused (numbers underestimate since many are reluctant to report) Source – national center for child abuse and neglect.
PROFILE OF A CHILD MOLESTER Two types: Preferable and Situational Known to the child 80% of the time Generally between years of age 20% of abuse before age 18 Often married with children 1 in 4 offenders is a member of the child’s family or one entrusted with care of the child. About half are friends of child or family 2 out of 3 who are caught abuse again
PROCEDURES FOR HIRING STAFF 1.Job description 2.Position application with personal references 3.Background permission consent form 4.Personal interview summary form 5.Personal reference interview form
RECRUITING AND PLACING VOLUNTEERS Regular, Occasional & Last Minute Volunteer s Should: Fill out an applicationFill out an application Provide referencesProvide references Give permission to run a criminal record check.Give permission to run a criminal record check. Attend Safe Sanctuary Training!Attend Safe Sanctuary Training!
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS Responsibility of the local church Keep on confidential file Employment Screening Services identify yourself as a part of the North Alabama Conference to receive the discount Call or check the website:
THE SIX MONTH HOSPITALITY POLICY A volunteer attending the church less than six months Volunteer must: Be assigned to a position supervised by a “cleared” person. Or… Be given a non-child-contact task until 6 month period is satisfied. With the approval of the Church leadership a volunteer may provide name of staff in former church for reference contact.
Safe Sanctuary Training At new member orientation, new staff/volunteer or annual review training Must include: 1.Copy of your Safe Sanctuary Covenant Statement 2. Policies to be implemented 3. Procedures for ministry 4. Steps to report 5. Details of what the state law requires
SUMMARY Create a Safe Sanctuary Team a. Make a Statement of Covenant b. Develop Policies and Procedures c. Acquire needed information and keep on confidential file (including clergy) d. Keep records of education to staff, volunteers and congregation.
GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURES –The following procedures pertain to all ministries involving Children and youth.
2-5-6 RULE month membership in the church to work with anyone under 18 years of age adult rule years older than the age group helping
WINDOWED AND OPEN DOORS Doors in the Nursery, Children’s and Youth areas have doors with windows Nursery has half doors Preschool area has windows in the walls Rooms occupied by children and youth need to be observable from outside the room
OVERNIGHTS In a hotel setting –No adult shares a bed with a child. Adult sleeps in separate room with creative monitoring. Frequent adult check-ins. In a bunkroom setting –At least 2 same gender adults may sleep in a large room with multiple bunk beds.
OFF SITE TRIPS Before departure Give contact info, start/stop times of event, location of event, program content, lodging info, etc. Get all contact info from parent with written or documented parent/guardian permission Provide adequate supervision ratios – Same gender adult: Child or youth 1:5 for elementary age 1:5-7 for sixth through eighth grade 1:6-8 for ninth through twelfth grade Have at least 2 children or an additional adult ride in personal vehicles.
TRANSPORTATION AND YOUTH Never let them drive from the church to off-site location Either plan to meet at the location or transport with adult drivers Have at least 2 adults or 2 youth when driving personal vehicles
REPORTING PROCEDURES Accidents – when an unintentional act occurs and a child is hurt.Accidents – when an unintentional act occurs and a child is hurt. Incident – when an action is observed that does not require reporting to DFCS, but does require attentionIncident – when an action is observed that does not require reporting to DFCS, but does require attention Suspected Abuse – when one sees, has be told of, or suspects a child has been abused in some way.Suspected Abuse – when one sees, has be told of, or suspects a child has been abused in some way. See a staff member or children’s volunteer director for forms.
HOW A REPORT IS MADE… Questionable Behavior Occurs Innocent, accidental event occurs File accident report with Director Suggest alternate behavior Incident observed requiring attention File incident report with director Director issues warning Director offers help Training Counseling Abuse observed or reported Discuss with no one other than appropriate authorities File report of Suspected abuse Tell Sr. Pastor or SPR Chair Call Insurance Company Call DS Only one speaking to media Call dep. of Fam. and child Services DHR Call police if appropriate Do or say Nothing else let DHR investigate
APPROPRIATE TOUCH Never be the first to hug and always the first to let go. Perfect the SIDE-HUG. Should you hold a child in your lap? As long as it is age-appropriate and happens in an open area.
DISCIPLINE Basics –Use positive words –Establish rules and expectations –Tell parents the good, the bad, then the good (Sandwich Rule) –Involve the church staff when necessary –Plan strategy when child threatens self or others.
IDENTIFY YOURSELF Wear a Nametag Or identifying clothing… DUMC Coach, Uniform skirt, jacket or apron YOUR NAME HERE Church Name North Alabama Conference UMC
CHECK IN/CHECK OUT SYSTEM Your congregation should come up with a plan to sign in and sign out each child.Your congregation should come up with a plan to sign in and sign out each child. Inform the congregation of Safety Procedures.Inform the congregation of Safety Procedures. Establish release of children depending on the program and age of child.Establish release of children depending on the program and age of child. Two’s through second grade – parents pick up Third through Fifth grade – released with written permission.
POTTY POLICY Diapering: With another adult present Done in visible area. Toddler and Preschoolers Adult supervises, but allows child independence Potty “accidents” requiring help Open door 2 adults Inform Parent
RESTROOM WITH BIGGER KIDS Do not allow child to go to restroom alone…take at least 2 Tell other adult (leave classroom door open) Check restroom before kids go in Do not assist child unless there is an emergency. Inform the parent
YOUTH MINISTRY Personal relationships are a must, but whether you are serving as a counselor, friend in Faith or chaperone, if meeting with a Youth one-on-one meet:Personal relationships are a must, but whether you are serving as a counselor, friend in Faith or chaperone, if meeting with a Youth one-on-one meet: » In a public place »The corner of a busy room »With the door open Consider a cyber use policy
MINISTRY SPECIFIC PROCEDURES Each ministry has procedures specific to the age group or activity. All workers should be given that information prior to working in that ministry. Procedures include what to do in case of illness or emergency.
LEISURE MINISTRIES Activities in the gym… –Be aware of our open facility We cannot be sure that all who are here are safe to be around children –Parents should supervise restroom breaks Activities on the field… –Adults retrieve balls from the woods –Pay special attention in the parking lot
COACH–TELL THE PARENTS! In a parent meeting, tell parents to follow these child-safety rules: 1.Parents are to remain on site, but if a parent must leave practice or game, he/she is to designate another adult to be in charge of his/her child in an emergency and tell coach who that person is. 2.Parents are responsible for participant siblings. Player siblings should not be unattended in the building or on the playground.
CHILDCARE AND PRESCHOOL Nursery doors are locked at all times for highest security and opened by staff onlyNursery doors are locked at all times for highest security and opened by staff only To avoid congestion, only one parent may enter to drop off or pick up childTo avoid congestion, only one parent may enter to drop off or pick up child Tours of the nursery should be made during non-high traffic timesTours of the nursery should be made during non-high traffic times
SAFE SANCTUARY TEAM ’S RESPONSIBILITIES Conduct safe sanctuary training, provide copy of operating and reporting procedures and recommended guidelines.Conduct safe sanctuary training, provide copy of operating and reporting procedures and recommended guidelines. Have all staff/volunteers sign that they have been trained and understand procedures and guidelinesHave all staff/volunteers sign that they have been trained and understand procedures and guidelines Supervise paid and volunteer workers to see procedures are being followedSupervise paid and volunteer workers to see procedures are being followed Review policy and procedures annuallyReview policy and procedures annually Update background checks every 3 yearsUpdate background checks every 3 years Keep all information on confidential file.Keep all information on confidential file.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF… …you find yourself in a room alone with a child? …you see a child in the hall wearing a wrist band with or without an accompanying adult? …you are a female taking first grade boys to the restroom? …you are the only third grade Sunday school teacher and Johnny says he is supposed to leave to meet his parents after class?
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF… …a particular youth is habitually the last to be picked up from youth events. He/she asks for a ride home and you’re the last adult left? …you heard a youth was participating in unethical or illegal activities? …you see a co-worker breaking one of the appropriate touch rules?
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF… …as a soccer coach, you count your four year old players and have one less than you did at beginning of practice? …a parent of a player wants to “run to the store” during practice? …An irate parent berates his/her child for performance on the basketball court?
JUST BE SMART S Be aware of surroundings M Be mindful of manipulators A Be aware of what to avoid R Be ready to report issues T Be timely about telling