2010 Fall Parent Meeting “Teaching Kids More Than Fundamentals” Brian Town-MS Athletic Director
Introduction of Coaches 8 th Grade Cross Country --Carlie Fitzgerald-Head Coach --Chris Harken-Assistant --Brent Achenback-Assistant 8 th Grade Volleyball --Vickie Borich-Head Coach --Dan Borich-Assistant
Introduction of Coaches 8 th Grade Football --Dennis Stevenson-Head Coach --Jon Williams-Assistant Coach --Joe Huebbe-Assistant Coach --Isaac Rodenberg-Assistant Coach --Michael Barta-Assistant Coach
MS Philosophy The middle school philosophy focuses on participation and skill development for our athletes. The goal of the coaches is to place your son or daughter in a position where they can experience the most success and contribute to the team.
PHYSICALS Must have one before first day of practice Good for 13 months NO PHYSICAL = NO PARTICIPATION Forms on district website-click “forms” on left side, scroll down to “Health Forms” and go to “Athletic Physical”
Transportation If a child is riding home with their parent the parent MUST sign out with the Coach May NOT ride home with another parent unless returning to participate in another school event or activity and must have a parent note signed by administration (District Policy)
School Directions/Schedules See JMS website for directions to schools we will be competing against Game/Meet Schedules- --Go to --Click on “Johnston” and locate your particular activity --District home page has this link as well as a “How To” parent guide
Weather Cancellations will be on JMS website as soon as a decision is made along with the make up date if known Decisions typically made after 1:00 “CIML website” has option where you are automatically notified of a cancellation
Parent Expectations Be supportive of your son or daughter Be supportive of the TEAM and your son or daughter’s role on that TEAM MS Officials
“The Future of Youth Athletics”
Parent/Coach Communication: 3 Step Process 1)Player talks to Coach 2)Parent talks to Coach 3)Parent/Player/Coach/MS AD conference ----This is an excellent time for your son or daughter to work on communicating with adults and being an advocate for themselves.
Role of Parents Before the season - understand why they play During a contest – be a positive role model After a contest – give them time
Why Kids Play – Boys Michigan State University Study To have fun To do something I am good at To improve my skills For the excitement of competition To stay in shape For the challenge of competition To get exercise To learn new skills To be part of a team To go to a higher level of competition
Why Kids Play – Girls Michigan State University Study To have fun To stay in shape To get exercise To improve my skill To do something I am good at To learn new skills For the excitement of competition To play as part of a team To make new friends For the challenge of competition
Admission to Events The Central Iowa Metropolitan League charges admission to all middle school athletic events. The league has adopted this policy and set the admission price at $3.00 for adults and high school students, $1.00 for students K-8, and $1.00 for seniors who are 55 years and older. Some schools at certain times will not charge due to their facilities being under construction or not having an area that is conducive for selling tickets.
Admission to Events Please show respect towards our ticket takers and the opposing schools’ ticket takers as this is not a decision made by them, but the decision of the CIML and the middle school athletic directors. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy please contact me. Offset cost of officials
Individual Meetings: Topics Covered Contacting the Coach Attendance Policy-our job is to teach commitment and responsibility and we expect your son or daughter to follow through with this Responsible for replacing lost equipment Practice/Game Schedules Academic Expectations-Student First
Cross Country Parent help is ESSENTIAL for our home meet. Please sign up with Coach Fitzgerald and give her your name and so we can organize our help. Coach Fitzgerald will go over this Meet in auditorium (by stage)
Football Concession stand help-assigned dates and times-You will NOT miss your son play Letter will be sent home with your son If your son is an “A” player you will work during the “B” game and vice versa No heavy and lightweight this year Chain Gang-Parent help this year Sign up with your name AND after your individual meeting Meet in the main gym
Volleyball Scoreboard and Scorebook Sign up with your name AND after your individual meeting. Meet in the back of the auditorium
Practice Ending Times Coaches will give these to you at the individual meeting Please pick your child up at this time each day and be respectful of the coaches and their responsibilities outside of coaching 20 Minute Rule
If you have any questions please Brian Town at or call him at
Go Dragons!! Thanks for Coming