History Secondary school of economics was established on 1st September The school of economics in Dobšiná was closed down in 1964 and economy studies were carried out at the secondary school for working people in Rožňava in the form of an evening (part time) school. In 1967 the secondary school for working people was put together with the new secondary school of economics in Rožňava.
History The Business Academy was established in 22nd November 1990, succeeded the School of Economics. The students are prepared for professions in economical field. The key subjects are accountancy, economics, finance, marketing, typewriting.. The new director, Mgr. Viktor Baláž, was elected and seated on 1st August 1991.
The school opened a 4-year study programme with 160 pupils and now the school is attended by 334 pupils. In 1998 the school won the highest award - Prize of the town Rožňava.
Presence: Recently, the director is PaedDr. Viktor Baláž, Ing. Daniela Žiaková as a deputy. A guarantee of high professional workplace are the fully qualified teachers and tutores, working in 6 school committees. A profile of any graduate are: working independently in any economical environment, has organizational competences, managerial competences, manages accountancy, is able to manage in entrepreneurial environment.
Presence: Students has a wide range of after-school activities to choose from: editorial for the student´s magazine, sport / football, basketball, volleyball, dance/, IT. There is a possibility for them to join the working cooperation with schools abroad under programmes Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci. The proof of having a high quality of the educational process as well as in the after-school activities, are the placements achieved at many competitions and taking part in many events. A whole area of the school is full of trees, there are parks, places for relax with benches.
Today the school area consists of three buildings where can be found: a laboratory for foreign languages a canteen a youth hostel with the Internet 1 room for typewriting 1 room equipped with electronic typewriters 7 rooms for IT lessons with 64 computers a small and big gym fitness and outdoor sport area for classes of Physical Education
Youth Hostel It is a part of the school Accomodation for many secondary students in Rožňava and beyond It offers: the computer room with the possibility of the Internet connection the fitness centre a gym for sport activities, for instance table tennis many afternoon activities a friendly atmosphere
Step by step to success: European Social Funds (2005/2006) Human sources: a study material for teachers and students in economics and accountancy and laboratory for IT /a study book and electronical version/ EU Project of international cooperation under Comenius program with Technikum NR 2 W Zespole Szkól Ekonomiczno- Gastronomicznych Im.MacierzyZiemi Cieszynskiej CIESZYN
Some of our activities and awards: 2005 Competition of the best student´s magazines – the 3rd place at the National Round in e-magazines. “The Gad-bee” was awarded among the 20 best in Slovakia during “Štúrovo pero competition”. Projects: Open school – sport: Sport activities and competitions in the school gyms, new equipment.. Training period for the students of the third year lasted 3 months in Norway, within the bilateral cooperation under Leonardo da Vinci programme. Educational centre of Infovek programme – the school was awarded as a centre for training teachers in IT.
Some of our activities and awards: 2006 Activities in science of the secondary students: Regional round in Košice: 1st place for Michal Ondrejčík in study 8 – Politics, natural science, EÚ, geography 2nd place for Janka Švarcová in study 16 – Culture, fine arts, craft National round in Bratislava: Special award for Michal Ondrejčík in study 8 – Politics, natural science, EÚ, geography
Some of our activities and awards: 2007 Regional round in Košice: 1st place for Michal Ondrejčík in study 13 – History, politics, philosophy 3rd place for Janka Švarcová in study 16 – Culture, fine arts, craft National round in Bratislava: Special award for Michal Ondrejčík in study 13 – History, politics, philosophy
OA obtains the Certificate of Quality in Education (2007)
Some of our activities and awards: 2008 Second place in the Košice Region in a student competition in working on PC (2007/208) First place in regional competition in basketball and football Second place in the Košice District basketball competition and third place in the Košice District football competition Opens a new multifunctional sport area (2008)
EU project of international cooperation under Comenius program – a multilateral partnership with: Technikum NR 2 W Zespole Szkól Ekonomiczno- Gastronomicznych Im.MacierzyZiemi Cieszynskiej CIESZYN, Poľsko Obchodní Akadémie Český Tešín, Česko Lycée Technique Et Professionnel La Sagesse Cambrai, Cambrai Cedex, Francúzsko
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