Designed by : Ng LF Reference: EDB PE Department
Physical Education (PE) 1. General PE 2. PE Elective
Aims and objectives Help students to, Develop an active and healthy lifestyle Integrate physical skills with theoretical learning Construct knowledge by linking the understandings they develop in PE
Body Maintenance 強身健體 人體 12% 體適能和 營養 12% 運動創傷 6% Self Enhancement 提升自我 動作分析 6% 訓練方法 12% 心理技能 12% Community Concerns 關心社群 歷史和發 展 6% 社會影響 12% 活動管理 6% Subject Foundation Humanities and Social Science Foundation Practicum 16% Values and Attitudes Generic skills
NSS PE Electives – Assessment PartContent Ratio Remarks Public Examination A. Multiple choice and short questions B. Long Questions 50% 20% 2hours15mins 1hour15mins SBA 校本評核 1. Attainment in TWO physical activities (Each 10%) 2. Attainment in physical fitness test and performance in planning, implementation and evaluation of an individualized physical fitness enhancement program (10%) 30% Start from 2014# # 於 2012 及 2013 ,考生在兩個體育活動及體適能的表現將以公開實習試評定
SBA 校本評核 1. Attainment in TWO physical activities Assessment Area A (10%) Badminton /Basketball/Football/Table tennis /Volleyball Assessment Area B (10%) Athletics/Gymnastics/Swimming 2. Physical Fitness test (10%)