VOLLEYBALL (INDEX) Basic rules Volleyball and physical skills The court Participants Game time and scoring Rotation system Techniques (service, blocking, different passes…) Basic tactics
VOLLEYBALL 1. BASIC RULES Aim/goal The ball Each team tries to score points by grounding the ball on the other team's court. The other team must not let the ball be grounded within their court. The ball The team may touch the ball up to 3 times but individual players may not touch the ball twice consecutively*. Players are not allowed to keep or catch the ball.
Offensive and defensive players VOLLEYBALL 1. BASIC RULES Offensive and defensive players Every player can play either offense or defense. However there are rules/exceptions. Body parts We can touch the ball with every part of our body.
VOLLEYBALL A: Hit the ball high enough to clear the net 1. BASIC RULES GOLDEN RULES: A: Hit the ball high enough to clear the net
VOLLEYBALL 4. PARTICIPANTS -Each team consists of 12 players (6 on the court). 3 after the 3m line (attacking players on the front court) and 3 behind (defensive players on the back court).
VOLLEYBALL 5. GAME TIME AND SCORING -Matches are best-of-five sets. -Play to 25 points per set (we have to win by 2) -In case of a 5th set it is played up to 15 points.
VOLLEYBALL 5. GAME TIME AND SCORING We score a point when: -Whenever the ball touches the floor on the other team’s court no matter who touched the ball just before that happens. -Whenever the ball touches out of bounds the last team to touch the ball loses the point.
VOLLEYBALL 5. GAME TIME AND SCORING Possession Changes if: -An opponent touches twice the ball in a row* -An opponent fails the service - Four or more consecutive touches by one team*. -An opponent keeps or catches the ball -Just before the service the other team commits a rotation foul -A defensive player attacks jumping from the front court. -A player steps on the opponent’s side of the court and disturbs their game
VOLLEYBALL 6. ROTATION SYSTEM -All the players play in every possible position (back court And front court). -Clock wise system to swap or rotate when we recover the service. -Every zone has a number (anti clock wise)
VOLLEYBALL 6. ROTATION SYSTEM Correct position There are some rules so the position of the players is correct before the other teams serves. If the position is illegal that team loses the point. The next picture represents the beginning of one point, it’s just an example. 2 1 3 4 5 6
VOLLEYBALL 6. ROTATION SYSTEM Based on that, all of the next pictures are correct. 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 4 5 6
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES The Service - begins a point or a match -A player serves wherever he/she wants after the base line -The other team can’t block the service -Lots of different services -After the service the players can break the team structure (unless attacking as a defensive player on the front court)
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES The Service Saque de mano baja o underhand: a serve in which the player strikes the ball below the waist instead of tossing it up and striking it with an overhand throwing motion. Underhand serves are considered very easy to perform and receive. -Straight arm. -The arm “faces” the objective http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_C5P9j0CJY
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES The Service Saque flotante u Overhand: a serve in which the player strikes the ball above the head by tossing it up and striking it with an overhand hitting motion. The ball is hit with no spin so that its path becomes unpredictable. -Tense your hand -You can jump in case you want it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35RV9-ScLQ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeEtXybD1lQ
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES The Service Saque de tenis o Topspin service: an overhand serve where the player tosses the ball high and hits it with a wrist span, giving it topspin which causes it to drop faster. Topspin serves are generally hit hard, therefore they are difficult to perform and receive. -Topspin when you toss and hit -You can jump in case you want it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s6NaS0fW1Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgej6Z6zPB0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF0GUt0G7s8
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES Block The ball must fall inside the oher side of the court. Otherwise we lose the point (our court, out of bounds…). THE BLOCK DOESN’T COUNT AS A TOUCH -Up to 3 players and stick together -Do not touch the net or step on the other court http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoEycdCasX4
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES Pass and Reception We try to control and pass the ball to our teammates. It is the attempt by a team to properly handle the opponent's serve, or any form of attack. Proper handling includes not only preventing the ball from touching the court, but also making it reach the position where the setter is standing. -Your shoulders “face” the objective -Bend your legs at the knee and straighten your arms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIVV2VWdT5E
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES Set -Only use your elbows and wtrists. The set is usually the second contact that a team makes with the ball. The main goal of setting is to put the ball in the air in such a way that it can be driven by an attack into the opponent's court. The setter coordinates the offensive movements of a team, and is the player who ultimately decides which player will actually attack the ball. 7. TECHNIQUES -Only use your elbows and wtrists. -It must be brief (fingertips) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEiKdrNlAvc
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES Attack The attack, also known as the spike, is usually the third contact a team makes with the ball. The object is to hit the ball so that it lands on the opponent's court and cannot be defended. A player makes a series of steps (the "approach"), jumps, and swings at the ball. -Look out the steps during the approach. -Do not fall on the other side of the court or touch the net. -At the moment of contact, the hitter's arm is fully extended, above his or her head and slightly forward.
VOLLEYBALL 7. TECHNIQUES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxBejKeF4Wo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVHsL753R9o
VOLLEYBALL 8. BASIC TACTICS Offense: the setter decides the side of the attack. Remember the rules*… 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 4 5 6 *5 and 1 must jump from behind the line…
VOLLEYBALL 8. BASIC TACTICS Defense: there are almost unlimited options to play defense. All of them depend on the way te team places the players. Maybe the most famous system is called the “W”. 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 1 3 4 5 6
VOLLEYBALL 8. BASIC TACTICS In every defensive system normally we need 1 player as a setter, so we only use 5 players to play defense. The setter stays next to the net when the other team serves. The other players try to defend the rest of the court. The picture shows the “semicircle” defensive system.It’s just an example-