RDPE Funds for the Forestry Sector
What SW Woodland Renaissance? Woodland Renaissance is a partnership of private and public enterprises, working to regenerate woodland and forestry in the South West to benefit the economy, society and the environment. Provide advice and assistance to forest businesses which want to apply for RDPE funding.
What is RDPE Funding? Money from the Rural Development Program for England is EU and Defra funding. It pays for: Agri-environment scheme the England Woodland Grant Scheme LEADER It will also pay for projects which: Improve the competiveness of the forestry sector Improve quality of life in rural areas Help diversify the rural economy
Who benefits in the forestry sector? Woodland Owners Sawmillers Woodfuel Producers Woodland Contractors
Woodland Owners increase the economic value of your woodland Forestry machinery Forest infrastructure Recreational opportunities Uneconomic silvicultural operations NB: can only be used on non EWGS operations
Timber Based Businesses Capital costs of buildings, machinery and infrastructure Development of new products and services Development of new markets for processed material Environmental protection and occupational safety NB: only eligible for micro-enterprises
Innovative silviculture Proposal: forest management across 3 collaborating estates in Dorset. Work includes mensuration, access work and conversion to Continuous Cover Forestry Grant total: £58 490
Out of the Woods Proposal: to purchase a specialised skidding machine with harvesting head. The machine has increased throughput and allows the harvesting of sites on difficult terrain. Grant: £
Tino Rawnsley Proposal: to increase production of pellets and briquettes on site. The sawmill site needed a market for waste material. Pellet and briquette production allows all waste to be utilised from the mill and neighbouring mills to produce a higher value product than chip, logs or mulch Grant: £
Collett Firewood Proposal: purchase of a larger log processor with loading table to increase efficiency, occupational safety and production. Grant: £11 500
Forestry Sector Projects Approved bids £ Grant awarded £ Applications in appraisal £ Grant requested £ Sep’t 2010
Application Requirements ruralgateway.info/in dex.asp 1.Must enhance or expand the business 2.Must demonstrate market need 3.Machinery must be specialised 4.Second hand equipment is ok, 5.No hire purchase 6.Projects should have wider benefit e.g. increased ha of woodland managed, employment, renewable energy
Contact: Michele Kerry Tel: Mob: