SOUTH CAROLINA NATIVE AMERICANS Native Americans were divided into regional groups based on where they lived and the languages they spoke South Carolina Native Americans were part of the group known as the Eastern Woodlands Indians (because they were forest dwellers)
Their geography and natural resources determined their way of life -Rivers were used for transportation and fishing – dugouts made from tree trunks were their mode of travelling the rivers wood and rocks used to make tools for hunting and farming Housing – made from tree bark and animal hides
Eastern Woodland Indians provided for their families by: 1. Hunting (mainly deer) and fishing – the main hunting tool was the bow and arrow 2. Farming – corn was the primary crop along with pole beans and squash (the three sisters)
Eastern Woodland Indians lived in permanent villages because they had learned how to farm…the did not have to be nomadic like their ancestors They worked the land together, they DID NOT BELIEVE IN PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF LAND Woodland Indians cut trees and burned brush (called slash and burn) to create farmland or drive out animals and clear land for farming Women – gathered nuts and berries and were the principal farmers, using hoes made of bone Native Americans built palisades around their villages for protection
The three most important tribes in South Carolina were the: Cherokee (in the mountains) the Catawba (of the piedmont) and the Yemassee (on the coast)
CHEROKEE Lived in large villages (up to 600 people) surrounded by a palisade for protection Summer homes were open to the air Winter homes were round structures with walls made of DAUB (clay and grass) and roofs made of bark and branches called WATTLE Leaders of the village met in a council to make rules for the people. WOMEN could be members of the council
A WHITE CHIEF ruled during peace time and a RED CHIEF ruled during times of war Each village had a holy man or woman called a SHAMAN who was a healer and religious leader
CATAWBA Their homes were huts called WIGWAMS made of sapling frames covered with bark or grasses and reeds They had council houses where leaders met to make rules for the people They were famous as POTTERS using clay to shape into pots
YEMASSEE Originated in Spanish Florida….moved to the coast of South Carolina to escape the Spanish In the summer they lived on the beach in wigwams covered with PALMETTO leaves. In the winter they moved inland and lived in daub and wattle homes like the Cherokee CLAMS and OYSTERS were part of their diet They had a council that also included women They fled to Florida after a war with the white settlers
ARRIVAL OF THE EUROPEANS Trade developed between Europeans and the Woodland Indians Native Americans traded furs and deerskins for European iron tools, weapons, and guns and liquor (this is the COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE) As the settlers became more prosperous and numerous conflicts arose between them and the Native Americans
REASONS FOR THE CONFLICT White settlers took over the Native Americans land European traders cheated the Native Americans in trade Some Native Americans were forced into slavery