January 31, 2008 Large Woodlands Conservation Cooperative Gina Varrin Coordinator
A Collaborative Program Peterborough Field Naturalists Stewardship Councils Conservation Authorities Forest Gene Conservation Association Kawartha Heritage Conservancy Trent University Alongside other Initiatives
3 Year Outreach Program Working with local landowners Workshops Demonstration projects Information products Funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation
Large Woodland Features Forest interior habitat Aquatic features – small wetlands; springs/seeps; vernal pools; streams Large woody debris Standing dead trees and cavity trees A diversity of trees species; Fruit and nut producing trees Stick nests and den trees
Tree Species Diversity Pioneer species– poplar, cherries, white birch, white cedar, hawthorn, more recently Scots pine, buckthorn Followed by those species more tolerant of shade – pines, spruces, ashes, basswood, oaks Upland hardwood – hard maple, American beech, ironwood, hemlock, balsam fir
Our Concerns Forest fragmentation Diminishing interior habitat, Forest health –invasive species and climate change Decreasing bio-diversity Lack of management, e.g. poor logging practices Threats to our natural heritage – headwater streams and wetlands, old growth, super canopy white pine, diversity of tree species
Photo: Copeland S Robinson
Conserving Interior Get help from local organizations Work with your neighbours Practice good forestry when harvesting Connect woodlots using blocks not lines
Urban Forest Speaker Series Peterborough Green-up Co-sponsors LWCC, KHC, PFN Wednesday Feb 6, March 5, April 2 Peterborough Public Library
Contact Information (705) ext. 7670