The water caltrop, water chestnut, buffalo nut, is a floating annual aquatic plant, growing in slow-moving water up to 5 meters deep, native to warm temperate parts of Eurasia and Africa. It bears ornately shaped fruits, which resemble the head of a bull, each fruit containing a single very large starchy seed.
Salvinia natans (commonly known as floating fern or commercially, Water Butterfly Wings) is an annual floating aquatic fern, which can appear superficially similar to moss. It is found throughout the world where there is plentiful standing fresh water, sunlight, and humid air.
Quercus rubra, commonly called northern red oak or champion oak is an oak in the red oak group. In lots of forests, this deciduous tree grows straight and tall, to 28 m, exceptionally to 43 m tall, with a trunk of up to 50–100 cm in diameter. Open-grown trees do not get so tall, but can develop a stouter trunk, up to 2 m in diameter. It has stout branches growing at right angles to the stem, forming a narrow round-topped head. It grows rapidly and is tolerant of many soils and varied situations, although it prefers the glacial drift and well-drained borders of streams.
Galium cracoviense is a species of plants belonging to the family Rubiaceae. It subject to strict protection in Poland. This plant is located on the Red List of plants and fungi, the Polish group of rare species.
Drosera rotundifolia (the common sundew or round- leaved sundew) is a species of sundew, a carnivorous plant often found in bogs, marshes and fens. One of the most widespread sundew species, it is generally circumboreal.
Potentilla is a genus containing about 500 species of annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae. It is usually called cinquefoil in English. Potentilla are generally holarctic in distribution, though some may even be found in montane biomes of the New Guinea Highlands. Several other "cinquefoils" formerly included here are now separated in distinct genera.
Cypripedium calceolus is a lady's-slipper orchid, and the type species of the genus Cypripedium. It has a widespread distribution from Europe east through Asia to the Pacific Ocean and is typically found in open woodland on moist calcareous soils. In continental Europe it is also found growing in the decomposed humus of semi- shaded woodland cover on limestone.
The Pyramidal Orchid is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Genus Anacamptis of the family Orchidaceae. The scientific name Anacamptis derives from Greek ανακάμτειν 'anakamptein' meaning 'bend forward', while the Latin name pyramidalis refers to the pyramidal form of the inflorescence.