Your New Eco-Schools Code Thank you for your feedback. The Eco- Reps have used this with their own ideas to come up with a new revised code. There are now 10 key points each with a little more detail than the previous code. This might be hard to fit on one poster so you can pick one point and design a poster for that alone or design a poster that includes all of them.
Recycle as much of your rubbish as possible, bin the rest. Re-use or Recycle all paper. Look after the green and woodland areas. Leave all areas clean, tidy and gum free. Switch lights off and turn off unused appliances – Save Energy! Leave all areas graffiti free. Don’t waste water! Turn off taps! Use sandwich boxes for your lunch rather than plastic bags. Walk, cycle or bus it to school. Encourage others to keep the code
The competition This was the winning design 3 years ago by Henry Christopher-White based on the Da Vinci Code theme. What movie/book/pop group/tv show could you base the new code on? Design either a poster for all of the code or for one specific point. The deadline is Tuesday 20 th October when the judging will take place at lunchtime. Entries to Mr. Sandercock’s pigeon hole in the staffroom. (Don’t forget your Name and Form!) The overall winner will get £20 and the best ones for each point of the code will get a bag of goodies as well as have their posters published around school. The new code and competition details will be published on the school website for your reference. Good Luck!