Writing and illustrating an ‘Oliver Jeffers’ styled children’s book! Mr. Cole’s Guide to… Part 1 - Characters
Task 1: Who are your characters? What to do: 1: Choose a protagonist (a goodie!). You can have two, BUT NO MORE! Have a quick look at some of Oliver Jeffers most famous characters… You DON’T have time to argue about NAMES! Jeffers just uses titles like ‘The Boy’ and the ‘Penguin’.
‘Girl with her heart in a bottle.’ ‘Martian.’ ‘Boy & Penguin.’ Examples of Jeffer’s Characters
‘Mad Scientist.’ ‘Snow Girl.’ ‘Boy & Star.’ Examples of Year 5 & 6 Jeffers styled Characters!
Task 2: The Antagonist The antagonist is your baddie, or simply a problem that challenges the main characters.
Examples of Oliver Jeffers Antagonists… E.g. the Bear from ‘Paper Caper’ is cutting down everyone’s trees at night… the woodland animals are losing their homes… Example of an antagonist that is a character… In Oliver Jeffers stories, the antagonist is often a problem rather than a character: What do you think the ‘antagonist’ is in each of these books?