Ecological Relationships Who eats who!!!!! Help!!!
3 4 5 6 7 Level YOU NEED TO KNOW…… Can do now YOU NEED TO KNOW…… REVIEW 3 Know how an animal is suited to where it lives, i.e. fish have fins & gills. Know the basic difference between vertebrates & invertebrates. 4 Know that plants & animals can be put into different groups – classified. Understand how to use a key to identify an organism. Be able to draw simple food chains and identify producer & consumer. 5 Draw food webs and explain how the organisms rely on each other. Know that environmental factors affect where organisms can live. 6 Predict how environmental predators can affect population sizes. Draw pyramids of numbers to represent population in a food chain. 7 Describe how energy flows through a food chain.
Objectives Today I will learn: The important physical factors in the environment of animals and plants How plants and animals differ due to their environment (Adaptation) How to identify producers primary consumers and predators How to sort ‘classify’ animals into groups
Objectives In today’s lesson I will also learn: About the different habitats organisms live in. How to describe the environment of different habitats. About the special adaptations that organisms have to help them live in their habitat.
Key words Habitat Environment Adapted Adaptation Producer Consumer Predator
But First
What needs does an animal have??? Just give me a carrot Raw Meat sounds good
What needs does a plant have???
Habitats What is a habitat? The place where an organism lives is called a habitat.
Remember Different organisms live in different habitats. Can you name some organisms for each of the habitats?
Environment The word environment is used to describe what a habitat is like. .
I would call my environment Adaptations Adaptations are features which organisms have that help them survive in their habitat I would call my environment
This place was a bit too……………………. So what lives here?? This place was a bit too…………………….
A camels habitat is a desert Hot, Dry but at least you don’t get bothered by people
Adaptations: They are desert animals and have numerous adaptations for life in an arid habitat. The hump stores fat, which they are able to draw upon for water. They have webbed feet (to prevent sinking in the sand); They can close their nostrils and they have a double row of eyelashes to keep out the sand. They can endure long periods without drinking - up to 17 days. When they do drink, they can take up to 136 litres (30 gallons) at a time. By producing dry faeces and little urine, they can conserve water. Their body temperature can rise 6-8 degree Celsius before sweating.
Apart from the camels this place is great!! So what if I don’t have any leaves!!! Apart from the camels this place is great!!
Who lives here???
It’s the right temperature and no-one but no-one messes with me I do
And last ....... Who eats who??
So who eats grass?
We do But who eats us??
We do……
There is nothing like a Sunday joint of human!!! And last ....... There is nothing like a Sunday joint of human!!!
Rate your Understanding I think I am an expert I think I have a good idea I think I have got some of it ? Help – can you go through it again
Objectives Today I have learned: The important physical factors in the environment of animals and plants How plants and animals differ due to their environment (Adaptation) How to identify producers primary consumers and predators How to sort ‘classify’ animals into groups
Objectives In today’s lesson I have also learned: About the different habitats organisms live in. How to describe the environment of different habitats. About the special adaptations that organisms have to help them live in their habitat.
Rate your Understanding I think I am an expert I think I have a good idea I think I have got some of it ? Help – can you go through it again