L/O/G/O Home energy audit Presenters: Emese Sulán Marcell Magyar 3rd project meeting, Sulingen Batthyány Lajos Grammar School and Secondary Medical School
Content Why study energy use Energy audit Energy assessment Energy hogs Suggestions for energy conservation
Why study energy use? Large-scale environmental effects Individual/ personal responsibility Substantial financial savings possible Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)
Why an Energy Audit? Identify where energy is going Identify savings opportunities Part of a comprehensive environmental program
Energy conservation Definition: Energy conservation is the practice of decreasing the quantity of energy used. It may be achieved through efficient energy use, in which case energy use is decreased while achieving a similar outcome, or by reduced consumption of energy services. efficient energy use
Energy audit process AnalyzeInformation Take action Measure Data Energy audit
Energy Assessment Spreadsheet Provided a complete break-up and summaries of the total annual energy consumption and cost. Helped identify avenues for energy and cost savings. Included separate sections for the major areas of energy consumption at our homes.
We identified the energy hogs
Average day energy consumption (19.7 kWh)
Comparing three students’ homes
Energy efficiency Efficient use of energy to obtain desired outputs that involves using alternative technologies that consume lower energy for the same purpose.
Suggestions 1.Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (48,8 C%). 2.Check if your water heater has an insulating blanket. 3.Start using energy-saving settings on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and clothes dryers. 4.Survey your incandescent lights for opportunities to replace them with compact fluorescents. 5.Turn down the thermostat, or up in summer. 6.Clean or replace furnace, air-conditioner, and heat-pump filters.
Improving a homes air tightness (that is, to cut air leakage) can reduce consumption by 15-40% … proper insulation is a must! Programmable thermostat is a must Microwave oven’s use up to 75% less Laptop computers use 90% less Switch off the gadgets you don’t use!
Change the light bulbs! Because fewer watts used thus less long term cost. It is easy to swap „normal light bulbs”, incandescent bulbs to CF bulbs (Compact fluorescent bulbs) as they are very interchangeable. Typical reduction of wattage use is a 60 watt incandescent being replaced with an 11 watt compact fluorescent bulb.
Little harder to do 1.Pay attention to insulation. Insulation saves in the winter and summer. 2.Insulate hot water pipes and ducts wherever they run through unheated areas. Install heat traps. 3.Seal up the largest air leaks in your house. It’s usually the cut troughs. 4.Install a clock thermostat to set your thermostat back automatically at night.
Young people can make a difference ( )
What we can do… Everyone can reduce their personal impact on the planet by using less energy, consuming more wisely and living a greener lifestyle. To find out what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint, check out How to Save the Climate, an awesome guide produced by Greenpeace: how-to-save-the-climate-pers
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